Monday, October 27, 2008

Yay!!!2nd chapter of my story is up and running!!!Now......How to start my 3rd chapter......Hahax xD
A Thief's Beginning

It was a dark,cloudless night.The air was very still.It was quiet.Too quiet.There was nothing interesting about this wide,open field.Except,what was in the middle of it.

A military base,built several years ago,was preparing for a very special "occasion".Military troops marched off to their individual stations.Those who were already at their post,surveyed the field quickly for any suspicious movement.Tanks were being deployed all over the place to reinforce areas within the base.All this just to prepare for something...Or some one.

Unknown to everyone,there was a figure having a snooze upon the roof tops,apperantly oblivious to the hustle below.Even when a tank test-fired a round,the figure still went on sleeping.Unknown to him,his 'Heads.Up.Display' on his goggles lighted up and the image of a girl,apperently in her teens,materialised.She stared at the figure then started to think on how to wake the guy up.After several simulations of possible actions,she considered the most 'shocking' method she thought up.She sighed.To be an advanced AI to do what she was designed to do was no problem.But to be an advanced AI to do the same job for a lazy guy is abit too much,she thought.

"Rerouting energy from non-essential systems into shielding system."The AI muttered.For an advanced AI,her method to wake him is rather crude."Lets see...Shield's reaching over-charge levels...Releasing excess energy in 3...2...1...".She stregthen the external part of the shield which caused the excess energy to bounce within the barrier.Initially,nothing happened but suddenly,"Wargh!!Oh god!!Wah!!"the figure woke up."Oh,for my sake,why did you do that?"the guy stared at the AI intensely."Could you wake me up in a more dignified manner next time,huh Calline?".The AI crossed her arms and retorted,"Hey!I told you to call me Caly!I'm good enough to call you Dan!Or should I just go into stand-by,hmm?"Dan looked at ther in disbelief.

Although being some that can irritate Caly(Make that only person capable to do that),Dan can sense a losing battle.And,he needed her on this mission.Irritate Caly to the next level will make her very grumpy and she will put herself in stand-by mode.Something he cannot risk as Caly is the only AI in existence that can hack military-grade firewall within minutes.

"Fine!You win,for now.Now,upload the objective into my H.U.D then,lets go!"Caly sighed,"I'm an AI not you slave..."Despite saying that ,she obeyed his orders and uploaded Dan's H.U.D.After looking through his mission objective,Dan had a big smirk on his face."Eh?IS this all?Heh...Okay!Lets move out!"

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Assassin's Hesitation

Here's a story I'm developing right now...Here,we look into Shadow's past...Its just the 'first chapter' of my 'story' so yeah....Enjoy ^^

"Skull One,come in.Skull One respond.Over."
"..Ah...Huh...Roger that..."
"Pakage just arrived.Preparing to move out."
The man code-named Skull One peered down from the tree he was in.Sure enough,he spotted the supply convoy.Boarding the trucks were no problem,making sure him and his team weren't detected by the guards escorting the convoy was another story.

Get a grip,he told himself.He managed to pull off stunts harder and much more dangerous than this before.So why did he felt hesitant now?He clicked his COM once to get his team's attention.Then he quickly gave the 'move out' signal.In a blink of an eye, they vanished from the tree tops and landed silently on the roof of the trucks.He knew that boarding the trucks were easy.Yet,why did he hesitated to give out the order?

Could it be that he was tired?As a Skull unit,the military's elite soldiers,he would go through grueling missions one after another,without rest in between.Ever since this war started,the difficulty and intensity of his missions started to rise.All he wanted was a long,relaxing break.But the only break a Skull can get is in the hospital when he or she sustained a serious injury.Maybe he should just get critically wounded,he wondered.

A sudden jerk brought him back to his senses at the cost of him losing his footing.he quickly grabbed a nearby branch and swung himslef back onto the truck.He statred to curse himself under his breath.As the squad leader,he mustn't make a single mistake.Else,his teammates will be rattled by his mistake and lose trust in him.And his squad's trust is all that he has left.

"Uhh...Shadow,sir?You okay?",asked one of his teammates.He traced the message back to Skull Five,Illa.Though quiet and soft-hearted,she makes an excellent scout.She often locates things that the others quickly over looked.And she is the most loyal in the whole team,always sticking by him no matter what.That's why he favoured her alot.Maybe a bit too much.

Shadow opened a private COM channel to her."...I'm fine...Don't worry about me...".Even when she is on the furthest truck,he can still see her smile.He quickly turned and saw what he was looking for.Now its his turn to smile.He activated his team's COM channel."team,we are approaching out LZ.Expect multiple enemy contact everywhere.Maintain radio silence and wait for my signal."He looked towards the enemy base.He have to accomplish this mission no matter what it takes.

Even losing his life if he needs to.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Ray:Hey.Calm down.You still have you S.P.A,you know.

Dan:NO MORE EX-----WHAT?!?!?!?!?!OMG NO!!!!!*Despair*

DarkviZ:Cool...You shut him up....About time too...


DarkviZ:HAHAHA!!!Who asked you to go to one?


DarkviZ:What?I can't here you!!

Dan:*Whispers*To.Be.Smarter.Than.The.Idiotic.Overlord.Over here...

DarkviZ:......................You're dead meat!!!!!

Dan:NO!!!!!!WAH!!!!!!*Runs out of HQ*

DarkviZ:Finally!!!Its his turn runs out of this place!Hahaha!!!

*Shadow enters HQ*
Shadow:....What's with Dan?.......

Ray:Some one freaked him out.

Shadow:....Who did it?*Loads gun*

DarkviZ:WAH!!!!NOO!!DON'T KILL ME!!!!!*Runs out*

Shadow:..............What's with him??