Sunday, May 6, 2012

Hate it when people use the excuse..

... "BUT ITS JUST A GAME!!!!" Normal people might not get it, but to us gamers, that's like asking to be hung upside down from the ceiling over a vat of radioactive goop filled with flesh hungry cybernetic piranhas. Yeah well, let troll bro Dan teach ya how to shoot back (I'm that bored right now :/ )

First things first. Tell them... That games... ARE JUST LIKE SCHOOL!! OMG?! REALLY? Yeah really. For the sake of argument, pretend that the game is WoW (can be subbed for any game you wish.) Pointers can be used:

You're paying (for games Pay2Play) /paid for the game. Just like school.
Yeah, your WoW subscription of about (assume) $20/month. Holy crap! That's just like your monthly school fees!! So if you can freaking pay for something that's worth as much as your school fees (maybe 3 months assuming the game you bought cost about $60), GO FREAKING PLAY IT WELL LIKE HOW YOU'D STUDY WELL!!

You paid for it, why not play it? So like you paid for school, why not study? Would be a waste, no?

Games are easy to learn, but hard to master. LIKE SCHOOL! Ever see those smart, studious peepz get high marks? Well, they mastered the subject thus more points, and games are not THAT different. They mastered it so why not they excel at it?

If y'all complain you dunno this, you dunno that. Why the pros have this, why the pros have that. Then kid, Imma tell ya to get of the game, idiot. Like how you'd feel that sense of achievement when you get top in class, these "no-lifers" get the same feeling when they managed to obtain that Legendary-ranked item they longed for so much.

So the next time y'all gonna say "ITS JUST A GAME!!" Imma gonna say back to ya kid "SCHOOL IS JUST A BUILDING!!" WHY ARE YOU OBSESSED ABOUT GETTING HIGH MARKS THEN?!?! AND YOU CAN'T UNDERSTAND WHY PEOPLE WANNA GET THE TOP OF THE LEADERBOARDS?!?! Screw you freaking bunch of whipper-snappers!!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Hymnum amoris

I shall be your song.

I shall be your melody.

Singing these emotions

Hidden deep in my heart.

In between my dreams and my reality,

I will reach out to you.

I will be your key,

I will be your lullaby.

So that you may rest peacefully.

I'm listening to the truth of my heart.

Letting my mind wander freely.

Holding you in my arms.

I'm singing in this gentle timbre.

To keep our peaceful world,

I shall become this hymn.

My voice will reach the heavens.

My voice will fill this void.

I will continue singing

For as long as my heart beats.

For as long as I breathe.

For as long as you Sleep.

So rest, close your eyes and dream

In the warmth of my arms.

I will be your light

Protecting you from the growing dark.

The darkness that corrupts,

The darkness that devours.

I sing this prayer,

To cleanse you from it.

To protect you from it.

In our eternal garden,

Under the star lit sky,

I sing in this tune.

Hoping ,with each note,

That you dream of happiness.

Now sleep, rest your mind, let your emotions settle.

In the gentleness of my voice.

My love will become your shield.

This hymn will be your guide.

I shall continue singing it,

Forever more.

The price that one pays...

... in order to obtain happiness.

Happiness comes in many forms, getting joy from physical objects to joy for obtaining something immaterial, like falling in love or getting first place in a competition. But no matter what. We'd have to pay a price.

I always think the world works on the Principle of Equivalent Exchange (Yeah, FullMetal Alchemist beeches!!). In order to obtain something, one must be willing to give up something of equivalent value. And the most prevalent currency around here would be time.

Why time? Think about it. To fall in love, you'd have to take time to get that person to be interested in you.

To get to marks you'd have to willing to spend time to study and score well.

I doubt y'all can appreciate that though. Many people think that all you need is cash. Well, if you are on your deathbed with about 1 minute left, I doubt money can help ya mate.

It is usually the immaterial that becomes the main price. Money is just used to lessen the cost. Like you'd wanna lose weight. Either pay by time working out everyday or use cash and get pills, which you'd still have to wait for a few weeks for it to take effect.

Whenever I try to recall the past me, I frankly have not much memories of him. All I can remember? Emo, depressed, pickpocket (Yeah... Used to steal stuffs, Problem?). I can't remember when I changed. All I know is that suddenly, I'm the me that everyone knows.

I always comfort myself thinking that the price would be my very bad memory and poor attention span. Trust me. Writing to this point took me about 30mins - 1hour. So sue me if I take too long to do stuffs. Oh and note, I wasted another 20 mins staring at the Vote page of 9Gag. Barely made it out (So why you went in then?!)

But yeah... I don't really mind the fact that my mind feels blank everyday. The price to pay just so that I get to enjoy life everyday? Totally worth it. Oh and not to mention total idiocy, decreased physical abilities.... And don't forget the high aptitude to failing. And each three complements each other well. A little too well at times >.>

But, then I wonder, why is it not everyone has obtain happiness. Have they not found object of their desires yet? Or are they feeling that the price is too steep so they are not willing to take the jump? Maybe they're just on their way and as I watched them at that point of time, they might actually be reaching it.

So to you people out there, don't ever forget Equivalent Exchange. It potentially can make things fair for everyone. How so? Think about it. If you see someone who obtained a higher level of happiness/ obtained the same happiness earlier, understand that he probably paid a higher price to get that high or fast.

So don't be jealous alright mates? You want happiness so jolly well get on with it and spend time to get it! It ain't gonna come to ya if ya ain't willing to pay the price to get it!!

Oh look!! I made an arrow...!!!!

Oh I mean... Either fork out the time or fork out the money. Either way, get ready for a heavy price tag, yo! Astryte over and out!