Saturday, June 23, 2012

Was yea enne mea chs sarla.
Was yea enne mea chs hymmnos.
Was zweie hymme her wiene,
warce oz mea harton sphilar.

Friday, June 15, 2012

About laziness, fails and suspicions

Right. So I'm busy with internship and all if ya don't know that I am. So yeah, recently its been rather hectic and all and I'm planning to continue working at my intern place but as part-time. Why? MONEEEHH!! That and I'm lazy~

Which is also another reason why I didn't update. Coz Imma lazy~ Go figure. Heck! I'm getting lazy to do alot of things lately...

Like gaming. Never in my life I would had thought I'd be bored of gaming. But it happened. Lately. Recently. Hmmm.... Maybe this is aging? Then again. I do agree that games are adding to my frustrations lately. I need something to express myself! Not get worked up about!


So about them fails.... They be happening recently like... Today. A few happened. Lemme note them down for ya.

  1. I almost put my old socks into the bin instead of the laundry basket.
  2. Was awed I found a bottle of Coke (the drink, yes). When I opened it, turned out to be a bottle of sarsi syrup >.> (Lesson learnt: The hiss gives you the peace to enjoy your authentic Coke!)
  3. Almost poured said Coke into my cereal bowl.
  4. My bro saw a bug, tried to hit it but ended up choking instead.
  5. He also took out a game, put it beside him, set up the PS3 and then wondered where the game went.
Aye. We be brothers. We be failing alot together. Though me more than him. :x


You know those times where when you analyze events that happened and happening, you'd get an idea of what's going on and it turned to be true? Nope I don't either. At least when I'm acting like a fool.

So there I was... Rushing back home coz I needed something. Then noticed me dad ain't there. Never mind...

Called my dad, got to reach him, disappointed no sponsored dinner. Wondering why.

Mum called, couldn't reach my dad despite the time frame from her call and mine weren't so far apart. Okay so gotten suspicious.

Mum afterwards kept spamming messages asking if me dad is back. No. Got an idea already.

Confirmed when my dad got home, he didn't say anything. "I was like ohhh here comes the Cold War again..."

Then the usually dad dun wanna say why and mum going emotional and shooting from afar. Haish. You'd think that after all that time complaining at me to act my age, they'd sit down and talk about their issues. But noooooooo. Had to choose the freaking childish way to do things. I mean, really? If I have issues with people, I'd debate with them about it till either he gives up in frustration or I ran out of points to give. And by then I usually admit defeat because I like it when I get conclusive results as to why the person's way is better than mine. Why? Coz I'm training to be a scientist. I deal with conclusive results not running and smoking when results aren't how I wanted them to be.

Really. If I say anything, you'd say I'm being nosy, noisy, not my business etc. Why the hell don't you want to listen to me? So your son's opinions aren't worth anything? What? Not "adult" enough to listen to the guy who's life (and allowance) is gonna be affected more? And you wonder why I sometimes will lash out. I'm sure keeping your emotions for more than 15 years is totally normal. >.> Bloody hell... How to respect them if they don't show me the equivalent respect? Not really inspiring adults if I must say...

But no matter. For I am going to forge a path on my own. A path that detracts from this simplistic, old-fashioned path. At least they taught me that they are the types of people I do not want to become. Huh.... Sigh.... Sometimes I wonder why am I not mentally drained from all this nonsense... Ah well, Astryte over and out.