Saturday, July 14, 2012


"There was a cursed castle of ice at the very end of a dry land.
One day, a traveling boy found the ice castle, and was overjoyed at the prospect of saving his village.
Because he'll be able to give water to his family, to his fellow villagers.

However, there was a girl of ice trapped within by a curse.
She froze the entire castle, and could not move.
Her expression was simply too sad, and the boy wanted to save her.

He somehow brought her back to the village, but she remained frozen.
How can I melt the ice?
The boy talked to an eagle watching him from above.

"Talk to her every day like this.
If the girl can regain her heart, she'll definitely awaken."

Taking the eagle's advice, the boy talked to the girl every day,
And believed that the ice will melt someday.

However, the girl is ice.
If warmth is brought to her heart, her entire body will melt.

Just like the eagle has said, the girl's heart was slowly filled with warmth.

"Thank you for talking to me all this time"
The girl whispered, and her cursed body began melting.

The boy's outstretched hand grasped nothing,
And the girl's body became water and returned to the heavens.

Then, it started to rain.
The rain poured down on the dry village, and everyone was overjoyed at the blessing.

Only the boy was sad.
Even though her body melted, where has the girl's heart gone?
He searched as much as he could, but found nothing.

The eagle thought that the girl's heart also became water, and turned into the boy's tears.
Because his shed tears are full of warmth.

She was able to help her beloved, so the girl smiled in happiness.
But no one could see the face of the girl who became water."

- From Ar Tonelico 3

A song of joy. A song of loss. Proof that times love doesn't lead to the path we like. Proof that love instead will lead to separation.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

About Spiderman, coincidences and weird links.

Aye so I haven't posted anything recently. Deal with it dearies~~ That's how I roooooooollllolololl~

Yeap. So today, was supposed to hang out with my old friends that I haven't seen for a long time aye? Yeah so was wondering what to do. Suddenly, BOOM!! Free tix to watch Spiderman movie + free popcorn and drink~~ - Le Popcorn combo~ (And Cher I'm giving you page views :3) Oh and apologies if ya can't see it. Gomenasai!

Right and after the movie I met my supervisor from SAMH - AH. Which was rather surprising actually xD

Wanted to say it was a small world but my cuzzie was like "No. Singapore is just small." Well go figure~

Right. As I watched the ending of Spiderman. So many things just hit me in the head. THE PEOPLE BEHIND SPIDERMAN SEEMS TO LIKE MASS EFFECT!!!

Holy Snapping Turtles and hold up my skirts! Whatever do you mean Dan?! You gone bonkers or something? Got hit by the head by a flying anvil?

NAY! Nay I say my good readers! And I will tell you why now!

1) Martin Sheen was in the movie.

Who is this Martin Sheen you ask? No he's not some guy who'll polish your shoes till it has a gentle sheen to it. NAY! He. Is. Actually....

THIS GUY!! Well not really but... close enough.
So who is this guy you ask? ME players would know him as the Illusive Man.
What about him you ask? Well. Mr. Sheen here is the VA (Voice Actor to you not so educated readers) and is the model for the Illusive Man! So next point!!


Yeah that bad guy? Sure you may think he's already in the comic book since whenever and since ME came later... Just shut up and read. You're here to feast on the delectable feast I have worked so hard to prepare for you. You don't like it, then I won't be giving ya an invite the next time aye? Damn critics...

Right. What does he remind me of? Krogan. Nyaahahaha!! For you uneducated...
"" :3

So let's see... Super strength, check. Uber tank, check. Insane regeneration, check. Oh! And don't forget a poor social skills... I meant crazy aggressiveness, check! JUST LIKE KROGAN!!
"But Dan! Aren't all lizards like that?" Well true that. BUT! I have another point for you smug people thinking those were weak points. ONWARDS!

Generally, they started off as a "good" idea. Lizard DNA to regen limbs/ Krogan to be used as troopers. Then as time passed it all began to go down-hill~ Lizard DNA will take over the host / Krogan rebelling against Salarians. And in the end, needed to be stopped by they who created them (Peter Parker / Salarians). Interesting idea non? :3

3) Similar function gadget thingy

Okay hold up.. Lemme get the pics up... There.


RIGHT! Okay that was a hassle. Okay so lemme explain. So the Shroud was to prevent Krogan from breeding aye? Why? If you ctrl+v the link with the Krogan, you'd know what to do now. So this machine is to make humans transform into lizards like the Ebil Lizardman of Creepiness. How is this done?

But launching things into the air and making the spores/chemical get into contact with the intended target. Spores to make Krogan infertile / Chemical used to make more lizardmen. Oh and not to mention it all came from freaking tall tower thingys~

4) Okay last point~~ MUTLIPLE ENDINGS!!


Woah woah woah!! Hold on to your unicorn mate and keep them hormone levels down aye? Lemme explain.

Right. So those of you familiar to ME3, there's multiple endings right? Red, Blue, Green. And the new one? Well doesn't matter. Focus on the green and blue one. Why? Coz those are are the colours from the pic on top which were in the movie.

Okay Let's start with Green ending = Green Serum. Green ending is known as the Synthesis ending, Why? Because...


... in that ending, organics merge with synthetics to become all powerful!! Just like what would have happened if the Lizard serum managed to be launched. It will make humans become lizardmen!! OH NO! BAD ENDING!!

Now but since in the movie, Spidey managed to get the blue antidote in, he activated the Blue ending. Which is Control ending in ME3. Awhhh yeah!! "But but but... In control ending, is the reapers' get controlled! Nothing like that happened in Spiderman!!" Whoa yeah good point. Buuuuut... The Blue Serum actually controlled the lizard serum by 1) stopping further mutation and 2) removing the Lizard DNA. Remember those cops got gassed and partially mutated? Aye.

So ends my nonsense. Well apologies but these were what ran through my mind immediately after the movie. Thanks to my cuzz who pointed out about Martin Sheen~ So increased my overall points counter. Well I hope this was an enjoyable read. Astryte standing by, over and out.