Saturday, July 14, 2012


"There was a cursed castle of ice at the very end of a dry land.
One day, a traveling boy found the ice castle, and was overjoyed at the prospect of saving his village.
Because he'll be able to give water to his family, to his fellow villagers.

However, there was a girl of ice trapped within by a curse.
She froze the entire castle, and could not move.
Her expression was simply too sad, and the boy wanted to save her.

He somehow brought her back to the village, but she remained frozen.
How can I melt the ice?
The boy talked to an eagle watching him from above.

"Talk to her every day like this.
If the girl can regain her heart, she'll definitely awaken."

Taking the eagle's advice, the boy talked to the girl every day,
And believed that the ice will melt someday.

However, the girl is ice.
If warmth is brought to her heart, her entire body will melt.

Just like the eagle has said, the girl's heart was slowly filled with warmth.

"Thank you for talking to me all this time"
The girl whispered, and her cursed body began melting.

The boy's outstretched hand grasped nothing,
And the girl's body became water and returned to the heavens.

Then, it started to rain.
The rain poured down on the dry village, and everyone was overjoyed at the blessing.

Only the boy was sad.
Even though her body melted, where has the girl's heart gone?
He searched as much as he could, but found nothing.

The eagle thought that the girl's heart also became water, and turned into the boy's tears.
Because his shed tears are full of warmth.

She was able to help her beloved, so the girl smiled in happiness.
But no one could see the face of the girl who became water."

- From Ar Tonelico 3

A song of joy. A song of loss. Proof that times love doesn't lead to the path we like. Proof that love instead will lead to separation.

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