Saturday, March 23, 2013

The reasons for that smile

Underneath your umbrella,
Your gentle voice
Telling me it will be alright.
Yet, underneath your bright smile,
Why does your gaze look so lonely?

I wished I could hear it,
The voice of your heart.
So I may hear your wish.
As we walked under the rain.

I wish I could feel it.
The reasons for your smile.
Without letting my hand go,
Let's walk towards the sun.

Let me grasp it all.
Beneath the rain,
Let me be your sun.

I wish I could understand it.
The reasons for that smile.
Hold me close
Till our hearts beat as one.

What is true,
What is false.
Let me hear it all.
The scars upon your heart,
Let me be the light
That heals it all.

Let's believe in this emotion.
This emotion called love.
Let's become each other's strength.
Let's become each other's energy.

I want to protect it all,
I want to love it all,
The reasons for that smile.

Just something I wrote while I was walking under the rain. I realised that people don't generally talk/use the sun alot, probably its because its always there so people then to overlook it. I personally believe that its the overlooked things that are the most beautiful.

Like, for example, I tend to not like the idea of wishing upon a star. Why? Because there are times when it is there, times that it is not. Its like making a wish that sometimes is there and not. I believe that if you want to wish on anything, wish upon the sky instead. For it is unending.

So you see? While the stars are pretty and eye-catching, they aren't exactly "reliable" so to speak, and scientifically speaking, most of the stars that you see in the sky are probably dead. In the end, it is that black or blue mantle called that sky that can truly be counted as "reliable".

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The song of the stars and the moon

High up within the heavens,
There once lived a princess.
Within the the ivory tower,
She sang.

Her song nurtured the land, 
Her song breathed life into the land.
The land was at peace, 
From the strength of her voice.

The princess was drawn towards the moon.
She felt happiness when the moon waxed.
She felt sadness when the moon waned.
"This infinite cycle,
Oh how I wish to stop it."

So, when the full moon filled the sky,
Using the power of her song,
She casted a spell.
An everlasting curtain of clouds.
So she may never see the moon.
Just so the full moon remained
Within her memories.

The spell brought even more sadness.
The princess soon fell into despair.
Her song became that of pain.
The land that she so carefully tended
Slowly grew weak and fragile.

The people of the land became enraged.
Their crops dying.
All the water vanishing.
And the land was dark.

So a boy set out on a journey
To bring back the sun.
Proclaimed as a hero,
He sought to climb the ivory tower.

Within the tower
Be creatures empowered by the darkness.
The higher he climbed,
The stronger they became.
Still, he fought on
Hoping to find the sun.

Eventually, he found himself in large room.
And within that room was no monster,
But instead a girl.
He heard her cries.
He wished he could help her.

"For what reason does a maiden
As beautiful as you cry here?"

"I lost what I sought to protect.
I lost destroyed what I sought to perfect.
Tell me, when there's nothing left,
Would you not cry as well?"

"Then come with me oh fair maiden.
What was lost, we shall find.
What was destroyed, we repair.
Let us find our sun."

With that he carried her.
To find not just his sun, 
But her's as well,
They climbed the ivory tower.
To climb high above the clouds.

He talked to her.
A boy filled with hope and dreams.
She listened to him.
A girl filled with loss and regret.
With each step upwards,
They grew to understand one another.
And yet, an uneasiness grew
Deep within her heart.

Days and nights flew past.
Still, with the princess on his back,
He climbed.
At last, they reached past the clouds. 

The princess left speechless.
There hung the full moon,
As though it was frozen in time,
It was the same moon from her memories.

Now closer to the sky,
She saw stars for the first time.
The tiny glittering
Made the moon much more beautiful.

"Were you not finding the sun?"

"Yes I am."

"But the sky is black, 
the moon is high above the sky.
For where is the sun?
Do you not need the morning?"

"The sun?
I need not wait for morning.
For I already have found it.
She stands in front of me."

Those words rang in her mind.
The feelings behind those words
Made her realise that the uneasiness 
Was actually her feelings for him.

Up high above the clouds she sang.
Removing the curtains of cloud.
Removing all that withered.
Clearing the minds of all who doubt.

And her song healed the land.
Her song gave birth to a new world.
One of everlasting peace and harmony.
"What was destroyed, we repair."

The princess of the tower,
Up high above the clouds.
That which was lost to her,
She has finally found it.
Her song of the stars and the moon.

Something I've wrote recently, as I was trying to pass the time waiting for my friends.

For this work and the previous one, I tried making it like uhh... fantasy-ish? Instead of my, apparently "lyrical" works (seems like my older works tend to be seen as though it were a song instead of poetry).

Just for a change in pacing, instead of making it romantic through the whole work, pacing it such that it becomes a story instead.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Within the cage

A young girl
Held within an iron cage
Her broken voice singing
Of pain and suffering.

She,who has the power
To split the sky,
To shake the the world, 
Lay alone, shackled 
within the cage.

That young girl, 
Forced to sing
For the amusement
Of the lord of the land.

Her voice, 
Each syllable she sang, 
Knows only of grief
And of darkness.

She longed to see the sky. 
She longed to see the world. 
All she ever knew was
The cold, unforgiving cage.

One day,
A servant of the castle
Heard the girl's voice.
He followed the melancholic sound
And found himself in front of
The Forbidden Room.

Upon entering the room,
The boy's eyes laid upon the cage
And within, the girl in rags.
Listening to her hymn of sadness,
He sympathized with her.

From that day on,
The boy would visit the girl.
He would talk to her
About the world outside.
He listened to her songs.
And he fell in love with her.

Ever since that day,
The girl would wait for the boy.
She would listen to him,
Of stories about the world.
She crafted new songs for him.
And she fell in love with him.

The boy vowed that one day,
He would free her.
He wanted to show her the azure sky.
He wanted her to gaze upon the vast ocean.
But mostly, he wanted her to see
The sun, the moon and the stars.

Listening to his vows,
The girl smiled, for the first time.
After meeting the boy,
She now knows happiness.
She believed that with him close,
All was and would be well.

As with the gain of her happiness,
There is an equivalent price to pay.
The price she had to give,
Was the only thing she had.

Her love.

The lord, after finding out that
The boy was meeting the girl,
Decided to punish her.
By spilling the boy's blood
Right in front of her eyes.

She sang.
A song filled with anger, 
Filled with denial,
A song of destruction.

The castle crumbled.
The country rumbled.
The lord, now lay murdered.
Upon the floor he laid, bloodied.

The castle lay ruined,
The girl, save within her cage.
For the first time she saw the moon.
"This was nothing like you said.
The moon, is gazing upon me so sadly."
She whispered, tears in her eyes.

She reached out for the boy's hand,
Flinching at the lack of warmth
That she was always used to.
"If it had to end like this,
Would not it better then,
If we had not met?"

For the first time,
The girl experienced loss,
All of that, from within the cage.