Friday, May 22, 2009

Is he really him?

Within the compound of the military base,squads of guards were marching all over the place. Officers were screaming orders over the din of boots stampeding the compound and the powerful rumble of engines as vehicles are bing moved to where they were needed most.Despite the fact that security was tight,it was focused more of keeping unwanted guest out,not to handle those who already broke in.Thus,no one noticed a shimmering outline of a person climbing into a ventilation hole.

"You know.It would be better if the ventilation hole thingy went up instead of down.would have reached the objective faster...what happened to the original route?"asked Dan,subvocalizing.Calline's image appeared on Dan's H.U.D of his googles."Well,while you were recovering from that fall from the roof top,I tapped into a camera watching over that area." An image appearred,showing a large number of troops there. "If I wanted to break in from somewhere,that's the most logical entry point." Calline pointed out.

"Hmm...true.Good point.Then where this ventilation hole leads to?" Dan asked.

"Hey!I'm not a miracle worker.Don't expect me to know everything!"

"Right,right.Chill out eh?Was just asking...Oh?What's that?"

Something small was hidden in the top corner of a pillar. "!Its a camera.I'm so busted..." muttered Dan. "Sigh...idiot.Have you forgotten about your already activated active camo cloak?" Calline pointed out,with one eye brow raised."Huh?Oh yeah!Right.I knew it was on.Just testing you," Dan answered with a smirk.Calline rolled her eyes away from Dan,not bothering to answer.Being a toll to remind some forgetful fool was one thing,but being one to one of the most wanted Thieves is something else,something more...embarassing. "Urgh...what a dull place! Nothing on the walls nor the floor. Nothing but metal. Wonder which sad fellow was the designer?" asked Dan.
"Hmm? Oh,you know,this military freaks think that luxury will soften you," Calline replied.
"Yeah? But this is kind of over-board...Hey.Can you enter their system?"
"Sure I can.But you'll need to deliver me to an access panel.Nearest is...over here. Just follow the waypoint marker."
A simple blue arrow appeared of the heads-up display on Dan's goggles,showing the direction and distance of the access panel."Okay!Just hope there's no suprises along the way. I hate suprises. In any kind." said Dan. "Oh I know you do." replied Calline sweetly.

This is just a preview of the story...I'll post more when I feel like it...Soo give me some comments yah??Kk tnx!! Cyaz!!

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