Saturday, February 28, 2009

Dan:Wheew...I'll make this fast and snappy >< I won Zephyr in BJ!!!Muahaha!!!Sorry I couldn't update lately...Dumb internet went down...Thanks to(I won't mention any names).Due to him,my com was attacked by a virus.And (again I won't mention names) owes my $40 coz he lost to me in BJ xD xD Ohhh...This was short...I gtg!!!Chiaoz!!!

P.S : Getting new stuffs*Ahem* Laptop *Ahem* ^^

Thursday, February 19, 2009

-Dan-Haha!!That's funny man!!Tell us another!!

-Crimson-Okay.It goes-

-???-Excuse me.It this the Dark EonZ?

-Dan-Yeah?Who're you?

-Zephyr Nightsever-Name's Zephyr Nightsever.Call my Zephyr or Zeth.I'm looking for a place to crash over.

-Ray-Did you by any chance pressed the recruitment button on this website?

-Zephyr-Nah.My felt that I shouldn't.So I didn't.What's so special about it?

-Shadow-...Trust me...You don't wanna know...

-Zephyr-Okaaaaaay...Thank goodness I didn't?

-DarkviZ-Oi.No one can just enter here for the fun of it okay?

-Zephyr-Yeah.I guessed so.So...What do I have to do?

-DarkviZ-Pass a test obviously.Defeat me!!!*Jumps towars Zephyr*

-Zephyr-Hah!*Reaches Dark first and kicks him away*

-DarkviZ-Offhh!!!*Slams into the wall-K.O!!!*

-Zephyr-That was easy.Is that all?

-Dan-Nah...He's just bored...Sooo...Actually,there's no test(Whispers)But I wouldn't mind making one...

-Zephyr-Cool!!So..You guys wanna play a game?

-Crimson-Hmm??What game?

-Zephyr-Ohh...Its a little bit of this and that...*Shuffles some cards*But its alot of gambling.Haha.So you guys wanna?

-Dan&Crimson-Sure!!Count us in!!!

-Ray-I'm not into gambling.I don't like it.

-Zephyr-An upright man huh?Its okay.You can just watch.

-Shadow-...I'm in...Just plain bored...

-Zephyr-Haha!!Well well...This is getting interesting.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th-Day of unexpected events!

Dan:Oh yeah!!My fav day of the year!!

Ray:Hmm?What's going on?

DarkviZ:Can't be your fav day...Its Friday the 13th...You're nuts.

Dan:Hey!! I know my own fav days okay?Today,folks,is Friday the 13th.Rumoured to be a day full of unlucky things.However,my forecast predicts that:

Bad luck may come to you today.But cheer up!It isn't as bad as you thought.If you think you can't do anything about something,let some one else do it.What maybe you bad luck,maybe good luck for others(Okay...This is kinda selfish but,who cares!Especially if you're not the guy with the bad luck xP)

Crimson:Ai?Why do you know so much eh kid?

Dan:Ohh shuush...I love the number 13 or XIII..It has an aura of uncertainty,doesn't it?

Iota:Yeah right.More like the aura of bad luck.


Ray:Hmm...Hey.What's that piece of paper in your hand?

Dan:Oh yeah...Also today,folks,is a day of uncertainty!With Valentine's day around the corner,anything could happen ^^

DarkviZ:Quit talking to the wall!!!Freak!!!Just,tell us what's that!!

Dan:Aaaahahah....Its...Uhh...Nothing much...Hehe...

DarkviZ:Give me that!*Grabs the paper*

Dan:Oi!!Give it back!!!

DarkviZ:Shut up!*Reads the paper*WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTT!!!!!!!!!

Ray:Wow Dan!Congrats!Haha!

Dan:Yeah....That was something...Unexpected...Haha...But not unpleasant ^^ Haha!!

Shadow:...A Valentines' huh?...Interesting...

Dan:Ahaha....Don't be jealous eh?

*Depressed aura around Dark*

Ray:Don't be sad,Dark.I know no one likes you but,ah who am I kidding.No one even cares about you.

DarkviZ:SHUT UP!!!!I HATE THIS!!!ARGH!!!!*Runs into his room*

Ray:Did I say something wrong?

Iota:Nah...Something's always wrong with him.

Dan:More importantly...HE HAS MY PAPER!!!DARK!!!!!!*Vanishes in a crack of thunder*

Crimson:Woah?What just happened?

Shadow:...I think he's hiding who he really is...

Iota:No kidding.Thanks for the update man...Urgh...

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY ALL!!!! (lol...I wonder why am I soo happy about this...)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Crimson:Yo!Dan!How was school?Anything-Fun?

Dan:Ahh...Same old school...Guess what?Now we(the class) need to stick together,when changing places for classes...== Got that's stupid...Oh yeah...Couple of weeks back,they will throw you into detention if you're wearing full-uni when everyone else is wearing half-uni...Dude!!!That's pathetic!!!

Iota:Yeah.That's what I like to call,tyranny!See!School is preventing-No...Trying to control your lifes! I mean,getting caught for following the school uniform code?That's dumb.Dumber than Dark's latest schemes.


Ray:Relax Dark.In a way,you're smarter then the Dan's school management.

DarkviZ:...Yeah...I guess...Yeah!!I'm smarter than them!!MUAHAHA!!!

Shadow:...Don't push your luck,idiot...I bet Dan has better brains than you...And he's a slacker...

DarkviZ:Yooooouu!!!!*Glares at Shadow*

Dan:Haha!!!*Smiles slightly*

Shadow:...Well?What were you expecting?...A pat on your head?

DarkviZ:I wager that your pat is more of a whack....

Crimson:Haha!Yeap!Maybe I should change that into a hack?*Wields his axe*

DarkviZ:Uhh...No thanks...I rather have my head attached to my neck.Preferably,NOT cracked open.

Dan:Hmm...I wonder...How does the inside of Dark's head look like?*Murderous look*

Iota:I bet its empty.

Shadow:...Lets see then...Iota hold him down.Crimson,break it open.Dan,poke whatever you see in there....Ray...Do whatever you want...


Ray:Dark.Its running time?

DarkviZ:Uhhh...Oh yeah!!WAARGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!*Runs away*

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Dan:Nyaaa haha!!!Look look!!!New blog skin!!!I dunno about what you guys think...But I like it!!! xD

Ray:Hmm...Its has a degree of simplicity to it.Nice.

DarkviZ:Its dark...Yeah...Sorta like it...Font's too plain though...

Shadow:...Then make one yourself then...

Crimson:Haha!Yeap Dark,its dark.Then again,if it really was Dark,internet would just crash.Haha!!

DarkviZ:Why you!!!!

Iota:Yeah.Crimson's right.They wouldn't even let him try.

DarkviZ:Oh shut up,you fool!!

Dan:*Still staring at his moniter*Oi Dark.We have a no-fools-clause over here.

DarkviZ:I bet Iota fits the bill.Haha!!!

Shadow:...Dan's talking about you Dark...

DarkviZ:Yeah...I know he is...Wait...What?

*Everyone stares at Dark,except Dan...Gaming obviously*

DarkviZ:Errr...Wait...Let me think about...HEY!!!!!!

Iota:Oh my god!!What took you so long?!

DarkviZ:Whatever!!Now,I got a new plan to rule the world!!!

Dan:Does it involve mayonaise...Or chocolate?


Dan:Then count me out...

DarkviZ:Whatever.Now,I shall rule the world with the power of shampoo!!!

Ray:How will-shampoo?

Iota:Another stupid idea.

DarkviZ:Shut up!!By having nano-bots in the shampoo,I will control those who uses it!!When they're shampoo-ing their hair,the nanobots will enter their scalp and into their brains,where it will convert the brain into an aerial to receive my commands!!!

Crimson:Wow!!One of your brighter ideas!!!

Shadow:...What it runs on?...



Crimson:I take that back.Still same old Darkie.Haha!!

Ray:If that's the case,what will you do if the batteries run out of juice?

DarkviZ:Its rechargeable!!!

Dan:Racharge on what I wonder?

DarkviZ:Solar energy!!!


Dan:Know what.....*Gets up and burns Dark's blueprints*


Shadow:...Don't bother....Its a stupid idea anyway...

DarkviZ:Damn!!!!I'll show you all!!!!I'll make a plan soo great,you're tremble before me!!!

Dan:Ohh..I can't wait to here this one....