Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Of a song, a game and a problem

Ending Song

The title matches the song indeed. A song about endings and lost love. Who's the singer? I have no idea. Really. I wish I know who just to pay my respects to her. Seems like she's a korean singer. Well... I guess I won't ever know then.

Oh wait. Her name is Cressie Kim. Huh... Well that's one of my life's mysteries over~ Why am I posting about this song? Well... Simply because I like it. It is one of those songs where I could capture the emotions within (and frankly speaking, these types of songs are getting rare in current society...).

I don't know... I just feel like I could link to the song somehow. Which is weird, considering that I'm a bachelor for as long as I have lived....what? 19 years? Just... when I close my eyes and listen to this song, I'm able to visualize the situation presented in the song so easily...

So where did this amazing song came from? It is from a game called Lunia. Lunia is a side scrolling 3rd person arcade role playing game. What does it mean? Basically, you have a bunch of buttons to use to create combos like in fighting games. Games that utilizes combos inputted by the player are given the tag "arcade". What this does is that it gives you the flexibility of how you handle a situation. From using all your mana to get rid of the attackers to slowly whittling them down with your weapons or a combination of both. Unlike most RPG games where it is point, click, character does the action till you click something else, Arcade RPG games requires you to be on alert at all times.

For sure it is more tiring and your fingers are gonna hurt from spamming that 100hit combo of yours, but hey! That adrenaline rush you get when you dive into a group of enemies to dish out pain is just unbeatable from clicking a spell that blows up a large group of enemies.

Well... That's all I guess from Memory Lane tonight. Seems like I'm getting less motivated to do just about anything in particular. From gaming to even slacking. Getting tired of all that... Seems like I need something to spice up my life but what...? All these years thinking and searching and never finding the answer... Huh... Maybe not now. Maybe not ever. Maybe in the future? All I know is, I'll keep waiting for a sign.

Well off I go then, I should sleep soon. Or else my night depression is gonna hit me hard. Yeah. I get depressed at night. No idea why. I should consider getting myself checked. Maybe I ain't so happy go lucky as I hoped I am. That's all for now. Astryte logging off. Good nights and blissful dreams.

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