Thursday, April 11, 2013


Loneliness. Each and every single one of us has or are facing it right now. I myself will admit that I also suffer from a bad case of loneliness every night. Either my night depression is acting up or I'm just that alone.

But, I believe that there are different types of loneliness. Many people feel lonely about different reasons. So I thought, maybe there's like different "categories" for loneliness that afflicts each of us.

I'm sure you all have heard about the many different components that make up us humans right? I'm sure you have heard of many theories. What I'm looking at, however, is not the physical component that makes us human. Not organs, not blood. But what I look at is actually the more "spiritual" side of things. 
What are they? A few things, namely : The body, mind, heart and soul.

Loneliness. One word, so many pain that it brings along. The loneliness of the body, mind, heart and soul.
Each is just as painful as the others.

What I write is based on my own understanding and should not be taken as the truth.
You have been warned!

The loneliness of the body
The aspect of the body represents the presence, features of oneself.
This loneliness arises when you crave the physical contact with someone, or something.
It is because, you were used to having that someone or something being by your side, physically, that you depend on it.
Like how a child cries when you take away his favorite teddy bear, the pain that comes from this loneliness is that the physical distance becomes far too great for one to bear.
(Pun is not intended, but enjoyed nonetheless.) 

The loneliness of the mind
The aspect of the mind represents your knowledge, thoughts, experience, expression. 
The distance that is present due to the difference in the thoughts of yours compared to others.
When you can't seem to reach others via your thoughts/arguments and when others isolate you for thinking differently. 
When you eventually become unable to express yourself, this loneliness arises.
You end up fight for what you think by yourself. Never finding even a single ally. That loneliness.

The loneliness of the heart
The aspect of the heart represents your bonds, motivations, emotions.
The feeling of being unable to connect your heart with those around you.
Despite calling them friends, how many of them you can say that you know well?
How many of them would know you just as well?
Because there is a lack of people that you feel "safe" to talk with about your problems,
Won't you feel alone?
No one to help you but yourself. No one to pick you up but yourself.

A lonely existence.

The loneliness of the soul
The aspect of the soul represents you, truth, the final destination.
Have you ever went on a search for something, spending time, spending resources and yet, never finding it?
To search for the answer of your being. To search for one's soul mate. 
A never-ending quest. One that no one will ever know if it will ever be complete.
That feeling when you who have waited, have searched and that no answer is ever in your grasp.
Being unable to comprehend the world around you.
The fear that if you moved from where you are, you will lose any chances you might have.
Being trapped in a perpetual box of questions, fear, searching, retreating.
This loneliness, would be one of the more painful ones with little to no solutions.


So let us take the chance to sit down, and think about ourselves. 
All of us are lonely, question is, what type of loneliness?
Which of this four aspects that is missing in my life?
How can I obtain this aspect?

What can I do with this knowledge?
Well, that's for you to decide.

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Come hither and let me listen to the woes of your soul.