Saturday, April 13, 2013

Story - Of battles won and love lost : Part 1

Under the azure sky, a gentle breeze blew. Up here, one would think it is a relaxing scene. However, things were quite different on the ground.

Within the barren canyon, standing a distance apart, stood two figures, a male.and female. The male, standing with a relaxed pose, won't strike as an outstanding character at first glance. Wearing a simple black outfit, a utility belt with a back pouch, a short sword sheath hanging from either sides and all of that under a worn dark blue cloak which covers all of his being up to just before his leather boots.

He was a young man with an average built and height, messy black hair and gives off the air of a typical adventurer. Nothing remarkable about him, except his eyes. He had bright blue eyes that just seem to sparkle under the sun. They are what draw the gaze of anyone that would walk by him and a good thing too.

For he was a Thief. Not the typical pickpocket or burglar types, but one set on riches and treasures. While it may sound glamorous, it is dangerous as these treasures would either be protected by ancient traps, and there are some that are also under the care of their zealous owners that would spend fortunes find and then protecting their treasures.

Normally, a life filled with danger like that would tend to leave those that walk its path with a relatively short lifespan. But he was a Thief unlike any other. Named the "Blue Lightning" from his blue cloak and the suddenness of his attacks, he has yet to face defeat. For he was not only skilled in the arts of deception, but in the arts of fighting too. There was no man alive that could match with the speed of his movements and attacks, as most that could has already fallen by his blade.

But this time, his opponent was a woman. And no ordinary woman, but a general from the Empire. She was tall and slender with long golden hair that just seems to flow behind her. Clad in a red coat with intricate silver designs with a sheath hanging on her left, she was known as the "Crimson Beauty". But no man would dare approach her, due to her static and cold gaze scaring away any that would dare get close to her.

Not to mention, her skills with the sword was unparalleled by anyone within the Empire. It was said that she could launch twenty attacks in the blink of an eye. It was also said that due to her skill, no normal rapier was able to withstand the intensity of the attacks with all of them breaking in a manner of seconds. Her longsword, named "Minstrel", for the soft sounds it makes when swung, was gifted to her from the Emperor on her becoming of a general. Made with the strong and lightweight metal, Mithril, the hilt adorned with gold motifs, it was the only blade that could withstand her ferocity.

Right now, the two of them stared at each other. Watching the movements of each other, the atmosphere between them was overbearing. The silence broke only when the man spoke.

"So... You come here often?" the man asked with a smirk on his face.

"Enough with your nonsense, you know exactly why I'm here," she replied with a serious tone. "Any and all enemies to the Empire must be eliminated!"

The man sighed and spoke, "You know. You gotta learn to take a joke! All work and no play makes lil miss Alisa over there a dull girl!"

Unamused and annoyed, Alisa shouted back at him, "You! You have no right to speak my name so casually! If you will not come to me, then I shall come to you."

With that said, she drew out her sword, took her stance and dashed forward. "Traitor Kiel Nighthart, by the order of the Emperor, I have come to take your life!"

Watching her quickly closing the distance, he muttered under his breath, "You fool." Kiel drew out his twin short swords and dodged her initial strike, by jumping to the side. Alisa, at the end of her attack, immediately turned to face him and released a barrage of attacks. Kiel, who couldn't get his balance back quickly enough for another dodge, started blocking reverently with his blades.

The sound of metal clashing on metal rang through the air, sparks flew whenever the blades connected. Both Kiel and Alise were holding their ground, with the former on the defensive. Neither was willing to create an opening to allow the other room to breath.

Frustrated as his lack of attacks, Kiel decided to change to the offensive. While generally a risky move, Kiel was wielding two blades. This allows him to be on the offense and defence at the same time. He bidded his time in order to find the best chance to attack.

Alisa, thinking that she had Kiel suppressed,  forgotten one thing. He was a Thief. A Thief doesn't simply get to his level without fair amount of skill, cunning and luck. And just as luck would have it, she dropped her guard. Even if it was for a moment, a moment was all that Kiel needed.

Just as Alisa's sword came for a strike, Kiel jumped into the middle of the swing. Using his left blade, he swung and stopped Minstrel mid-swing. Alisa, caught unawares, was momentarily stunned at the suddenness of his actions. Taking the chance, Kiel took a step forward and swung his blade, aiming for Alisa's stomach. She recovered herself and quickly jumped away from the attack. Unfortunately, she was not quick enough to dodge the entire attack. She clutched at the wound on her left side which bled slightly.

"Tsk. No only she dodged that, she even twisted the body such that only her left side gets hurt." Kiel muttered under his breath. The clash, while lasted only a short while, felt like it has been a long time for either party. And yet, both sides have yet to break a sweat.

"Well, well! Look at how you've grown! You're much stronger since the last time we meet." Kiel praised Alisa with his signature smirk.

"This is all so that I can defeat you! I vowed that I will, and I have, surpass you." she exclaimed.

Kiel raised his eyebrows and mockingly asked her, "And yet, who's the one with the wound, hmm?"

Alisa blushed and furiously shouted, "It was but a lapse in my judgement! The next time you won't be so lucky." She then took her stance.

Kiel gazed at Alisa for a moment. "You're so cute when you get mad, you know?", he whispered to himself, while bringing his blades in front of him. "You're right. I wonder if I'll ever be lucky to see that side of you again."

With that, he decided to take the initiative to be on the offense this time. He quickly closed the distance between them and swung both of his blades for a downwards strike. Alisa quickly blocked both blades while standing her ground.

The sound of the blades clashing never rang so clearly within the canyon.


Just a lil story I felt compelled to write, after I finish reading a manga. This is part 1 of a three chapter story that I hope I can finish writing. All critiques are welcomed~

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward for your next update! I really like your use of words :D


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