Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Ray:So.Hello.Thank you for taking time to read this blog.Dan's away right now.Not sure where to though.Anyways,here's another of my works.Hope you like it.Dan says this reflects him alot.


I feel so empty,
With no purpose...
No reason...
Nothing to go on with...

I may look happy outside,
But I really feel empty inside...
No one knows how I feel,
No one...Not even me...

My mind is all blank,
My heart empty...
My soul is in the dark,
With nowhere to run...

My body,prevents anyone
From seeing the true me...
And yet,I want some one to know
How I was feeling...

The emptiness tooked over my mind,
My body and my soul...
There is nowhere for me to go,
Nowhere for me to hide...

My mind slipped away from reality,
My soul was consumed by the darkness...
My body fades away from existence,
No one,no one will ever find me...

I feel so empty,
With no purpose...
No reason...
Nothing to go on with...

With this,I dissapear...
From ever existing...

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Come hither and let me listen to the woes of your soul.