Friday, March 16, 2012

RANT TIME - Kony 2012

I must admit. The Kony 2012 vid has to be like,the most successful viral campaign ever. In a few days, couple million views. Reminds me how fast something can spread on teh internetz. Don't get me wrong for a believer,but, I actually find the entire thing too damn suspicious. Why? Okay lemme explain.

1) If I remember correctly, Kony is old news. Like VERY old news. Like from when I'm a kid. Meaning? The vid isn't exactly up to date. Meaning? Well... Lets say that Kony is looooong gone from Uganda. Even at his new hidey-hole, no one seen him for ages!

Which brings me to point 2), "Eyy!! Lookit!! I got peektures and veedeos. IN HD BEEEAAATCCHH!! Now anyone can find him!!" ...The hell? Let's analyze this.. Random photog so happens to be able to obtain interviews of a warlord. One thing, why is the photog alive there and back? Shouldn't he be shot like... On site? Think about it! Random unknown person walk around with a big black thingy on his shoulder. If I had a gun,I'd shoot first questions later..
Secondly, if he's not dead, means two things. 1, Kony granted them the interview. 2, they have contacts in Kony's circle or the K man himself. Now,assuming at that point in time, he was in combat with the ugandan army, I doubt he'd want to give his location away. Unless the K man is Rambo's student or something, I doubt it was 1. Now, if it was 2, wouldn't that mean the photog knows the K circle or the K man personally? Either way, it means that they'd have to be from the same circle in the past! Suspicious reporter alert!! Now I know there could be other reasons on how such info was available public, feel free to state what you think (no dissing! Respect man!)

3) Lemme ask ya. When was the last time you heard any news about fighting in Uganda on any news media around ya,other than the vid? Hmm let's see... NEVER. Omg! That's true! Si what does it mean oh awesome Astryte?? Chillax kiddies, what it means is that 1. Situation is clear. Heck! The K man might not even be alive! Or 2. Situation suppressed. Ugandan military might already know where he is and prolly already caught him or something. Personally, I'd prefer if it was 2. that happened. Why? Why you'd want him alive oh merciful Astryte? Isn't he better of dead? Now now kids.. Good question which I'd explain later. Hold on to those hats for now,yeah?

4) Personally speaking, I find that the video lack much solid facts. Whatever being said in the video just seems to be directed at the human emotions. What is more emotional? A grown man saying he will stop the bad guy or an innocent young kid saying the same thing? Either way, both elements are present in this video, which might subconsciously make viewers feel like they have to do something. The emotional bandwagon.

A point on why the video isn't very sincere. Its telling you to spam you fav celebs to support the Invisible Children Charity (Imma gonna call it ICC). Look here oh mighty fighters of justice! One does not simply force others into your beliefs. If you see your celeb liking the ICC page, now don't think he/she is actually helping, most probably its just to get y'all off their backs so that they can finally read their e-mails that actually matters. The celebrity bandwagon.

5) Contradictory aims. The purpose of the charity is to save the children (assuming that LRA is true.) But how are they gonna do that? By sending in US soldiers to help train and fight with the Ugandan army against the LRA. Sounds noble? But remember the bulk of the LRA, children. So you are telling me you are going to fight with the very people you are trying to save? Reaaaaally noble and well-thought out~~
Now if I remember correctly, ICC wants y'all people from all over the world to run around... At night... Inna group... Pasting stickers. Uhh yeah? I've looked at their annual reports and I must say. They are quite rich! The reason they are so rich is to bail you people who got caught in Operation:Night graffiti of theirs... NOT!!! I dares ya. Running around at night, pasting stickers and posters all over the damn place with police patrolling all over. Those who never got caught, tell me ya name yeah? Eventually the police will catch you~~ :D

Well that's it... The rant for today. Cheerios~~!!

Oh yeah!! Why is it I prefer Kony alive than dead? Coz, if he is dead, there will always be people who are gonna step up in fill that gap. Him alive means they can't step up as their leader is still alive albeit captured in a cell~ sides, him alive = more info!!!

Okay!! Astryte signing off!!

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