Sunday, March 25, 2012


.... Might not be the write word for me to use. Considering I didn't live in the 70s or 80s. Why that time frame you ask? Well, yesterday, I was helping out my aunt to clean up her room. Turns out it was a treasure trove of ancient stuffs from that time frame. It was like opening a treasure chest everytime! Well... It was more like boxes but still...

Some stuffs that I found:

You might me asking, "Dood! Floppy disk were soooo 90s!". Well ladies and gentlemen, look at the name. Its called "mini-floppy disk". It's an interesting name no? How could there be floppy disk smaller than those we were using in the 90s?

Ehh look at it. Looks like a normal floppy disk to you right? RIGHT?!?! Except that its missing that metal thingy in the middle that spins around... Looks perfectly normal!! Well... Be amazed as I will compare it to the size... of a hand...!

TADA!!! ITS AS BIG AS A HAND YOU BRAVOS!!! THOSE YOU WERE USING IN THE 90s WEREN'T EVEN AS BIG AS YOUR PALM!!!!! Holy cwaaaaap!!! Just look at it!! The size!! Doubt it can contain several megabytes of data... Hell! Megabytes seems to be an over-statement. AND THIS IS JUST A MINI-FLOPPY DISK!! Imagine the standard floppy disk!! Meet my cousins with my other aunt and uncle, my uncle was like "Oh we needed a trolley to carry the big one (standard sized)." I dunno... Felt like he could be joking. But seeing the size of this baby, might even be true!

Okay I know I know... What's so special about a freaking match box? Consider this. Its been housed in a box that hasn't been open for ages... AND IT STILL FREAKING WORKS!! Though it burns for at most about 2 seconds while giving off insane smoke... And what's left is what my bro would had call it, residue. But what I called, "The firework aftermath." Whuuut? WHAAAAT?! That doesn't make any sense!!! The hell that means Dan?! Well.. Funny you should ask...

It was a loooong time ago. Coz of some construction nearby, I got a whiff of a burning smell from some guy soldering stuffs. So I was like trying to explain the smell to my bro. And the closest thing were those sparkles/fireworks. Nothing thinking it through, I just went ahead and said, "Eh!! You smell that?? Kinda reminds me of... of... The firework aftermath!" Confidently too, might I add. And my bro was like "Dood... Its residue from the burning... The foxtrot is firework aftermath!?!?" Then he started laughing at me... Bugger...

Loook!! Look at the similarities!! What?! What?!?! THE MATCHBOX IS MADE FROM WOOD BRAVOS!!! FREAKING WOOD!!! NOT them paper ones we see nowadays... BUT REAL FREAKING WOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOO!!!

A lil something from my heritage~~ Yeap. I'm part Javanese. Got a problem with that?! Look at it!! Its an intricate design indeed!! Ahh the random stuffs we found xD

Do you recognize this? If you don't, either shame on you or you're just too young, damn whippersnappers!! They're still brand new!!! LOL

Last and the most awesomest find evaaarrr!!

RANDOM BLACK SUITCASE!!! Its big, its heavy... And oh so suspicious... So I opened it, felt like a bomb technician trying to defuse a bomb... And then... It happened...

I saw what was inside.

Like... *Tap tap tap tap...CHINK!! Tap tap tap tap*

Not only I got to mess with it, I managed to figure out how to use the damned thing!! Ahh... I'm such a genius!! Muahahaha!!! I'm guessing my Technical Skills levels were high enough I guess :x


Looking at all these old stuffs, made me realize how much our world has grown. Now we can easily edit, type, delete words easily coz its now all digital. Imagine you made an error when using the type writer... Bless you haha. Now we use thumbdrives which can contain more than 16gbs worth of information when in the past, something many times larger could only contain many times less memory.

Which is fascinating! What is small can contain so much while the big ones can hold in so little....

Stupid thing to happen yesterday:
I choked on a straw. Yes. That's right. On a straw. How? I was trying to speed drink a Pure Double Chocolate ice blend coz I was rushing... Apparently I did it too hard and half of it when into my throat... Brr.. Well at least I didn't swallow it~ Oh and apparently, same thing happened to Han. Haha!! Universe no likey us bro xD Awwh... That sucks when I think about it.... :/

Heh!! Ciaossu folks~~!!!

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