Thursday, March 15, 2012

RANT TIME!!! - Its SBS not SMRT!!

Ayy yoo!! Been long time and finally!! Astryte's back!!! Heh heh.... Why did I open my blog again? Well... I needed a place to rant without spamming people, post my incomplete works for "record" purposes and basically as a journal for all the random stuff that happened. Which shall be the first point.

Stupid stuff #1:
Got on a bus, EZ-Link no moneh. So I wanted to pay coins. Didn't have $1. So I asked around for $2 change. An aunty gave me... $2 worth of coins. Guess what I did? I took out a 20c and replaced it with a 10c and dumped the whole lot into the coin box. Yeap. All $1.90 worth of coins. All of it. In the coin box. And I walked away like nothing was wrong... Ah well... At least that $1.90 is going to help the bus company!!!! ........... Maybe.....

Rant #1:
Okay so the North-East Line (NEL) broke down. And here, everyone is complaining. First thing in my head? What the foxtrot is wrong with these people. Nope, I wasn't talking about the train staff. I was talking about them Singaporeans. Always... ALWAYS generalizing things. Train breaks down, OMG SMRT SUCKS!! NEED DECREASE FARE!! Hello? NEL is under SBS fyi if you can't read properly.

Look at things this way aye? During Dec, breakdown, there was no shuttle services, no announcement, people stuck in trains and no one knew what the problem was. In THIS incident, there WERE shuttle services, there WERE announcements at the stations, NO ONE was stuck in the trains and by Mjolnir... THEY KNEW WHAT THE PROBLEM WAS!!! WIRING ISSUES!! FYI, sometime ago, when NEL first broke down, it was due to some wiring breaking apart or something. Today, they found out that, AFTER fixing the broken wire, there were wire insulation problems. WIRE INSULATION!!!

Now, you might be thinking, what? Just wrap it with scotch/duct tape or something!! Yeah right. Like how SMRT used cable ties? No way. To fix insulation, they have to take out the entire length of the damaged wire and replace with an new one. Now, imagine the the wire runs continuously in between stations, that's a hell load of wires to take out and replace. And this is just the easy but tiring way. They could also just patch up the insulating but guess what? Patches are meant to be TEMPORARY. Like how you break your specs, you tape 'em? Yeah... TEMPORARY. Until you get a new pair or get it fixed PROPERLY. Tell you what. Let me find a wire, remove part of the insulation and ask you to fix that and making sure other users will be SAFE from the wires.

They don't fix it well, wire comes into contact with a random piece of metal or another wire, short-circuits and whoops~~ People stuck in them tunnels. So, unless you are an engineer or are mechanically inclined, DO NOT speak of which you know naught of. Especially when you aren't planning to think it through. >.>

Another problem. Singaporeans not being appreciative about what they get. Hell!! Singaporeans are hardly appreciative >.> (I'm talking about typical SGreans fyi. I know there are you folks who appreciate the efforts of others :D ) SBS gave you shuttle service every 5-10 MINUTES in between stations and you AREN'T HAPPY?!?! Hell!! Lady look! Its FASTER than your bloody typical bus which appears after 10-40 mins of waiting!!

"I feel like taking a cab after seeing so many people. But who's gonna pay me the cab fare? It's quite messy because people were boarding from both doors. I already told my colleagues I'll be late. My boss doesn't like us to be late, but no choice." Of course it's messy ya fool!! How many people depend on the NEL everyday?!?! YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY USER SO GET IT STRAIGHT! God!! The nerves of some people!!

"I only heard about the breakdown at my train station, so no time to make alternative plans. The buses are coming very frequently and there are enough staff to give directions, but it is still very troublesome. "

OF COURSE YOU HEARD IT AT THE MRT STATION YOU FOOL!! Where else can you hear about it? Your freaking ass? AND OF COURSE YOU NO TIME FOR ALTERNATIVE PLANS!! Which part of "UNEXPECTED breakdown" you don't understand huh?! God!! Give this guy a Nobel prize for stupidity, please!!
Here's some theories that I've heard/thought about why MRT's breaking down alot lately.
1) The entire track system is old (You don't "You don't say" me, Mister!!)
2) The new trains used are only COMPATIBLE with the old tracks
3)Weight. (The newer trains are apparently heavier + packed trains due to rush hour)

1) Okay. Say it. Tell me that they should replace the old system with a new one. Excuse me, hello? Have you taken a good look at the MRT map? Tell me how you are going to replace the ENTIRE system ALL OVER Singapore WITHOUT affecting commuters eh? TELL ME, I DARE YOU!!

2) Its like saying, "Oh I'm L size but... I guess I can wear M". You'd fit, but it will 1) Look stupid and 2) Its not exactly super comfortable. Same thing here. The newer trains are designed to run on the old tracks, but NOT running as efficiently as they should. Because its NOT 100% compatible, expect damages/wear and tear to occur more frequently.

3)More weight = more stress on the train which will be transferred onto the tracks meaning more wear and tear. Must I explain more?

Sigh... Sometimes I wish people use their brains a lot before making statements. Which explains why I kinda have a complex against the "Uneducated masses" but don't blame me. I'm sure we all know some fool that didn't think about what they wanted to say before speaking. Ah!! Feel much better now~~ Okay!! Time to go~~ Astryte signing off!!!

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