Thursday, April 26, 2012

Awkward moment when... had an awkward moment (YOU DON'T SAY?!).

Yeah yeah... So I didn't have any good punchlines or something. Sue me ( not literally pl0x D: )!

So yeaaaaah... A lot of weird stuff happened today. Like... Weird, stupid... Weird,WTF?!?!... Probably.

Okay. Basically its all the stupid things that happened today and yesterday.

So here are the chronicles of wha happened:

  1. Was about to say hi to a collegue who I saw outside the MRT (I was in the MRT duhh...). Went out and was like "Hiiiiii.....yaaaaaaahh!! I'm gonna be late..." Why? Coz it turned out to be somebody else >.> Doooood!! Not cool!
  2. Reached home. Wanted to change specs to my old one. Picked it up, put it on. And there I was wondering why did it felt weird putting it on and why did the vision went over-kill. Then it struck me. I was still wearing my current specs -.-
27/4/12: Fails occurred in same incident.
  1. Happened while eating cereal. Pour cereal into my bowl, wanted to tie it up with rubber band. Problem was I couldn't find the original rubber band no matter how much I searched. So I gave up, used a new one and sat down to eat. THEN I found the rubberband. Face palmed myself.
  2. While face palming myself, I choked on some cereal I was eating. Struggled for a bit, recovered. And this time, I made sure I swallowed first before...!! Giving myself a double face palm.

Ohhh on a side note, I found an interestingly named salon. Guess what it's called!!!


Sooo... Is it like...filled with this guy??

As awesome that would sound... That would be very, very scary. Think about it. A whole bunch of people, with scissors, knives, razors for hands AND are trained to use them places their hand on your shoulders.

Holy crap dood! I'd be worried they'll slice my head off... accidentally of course, but they're trained... So does that mean they'll slice my head off on purpose?

Brr... Either way, they should make their slogan like this!

"Scissorhands salon. Our hairstyling are so good that you're head will roll around with joy! .... Literally~ <3 "

Now, that's a salon worth losing your head for. And maybe your neck and shoulders while you're at it~ Haha!!

Cheerios mate! Astryte over and out~

Sunday, April 22, 2012

About rainbows,today and philosophical thinking.

(Gonna start off with apologies in case I lack pics... BUT! I assure you these really happened.)


Who doesn't love 'em??

We love 'em sooo much we could eat them!

As evidenced by them rainbow cakes~

LOOK AT IT!! Just look at it!! Who doesn't want to partake in this delectable, eye-catching fluffiness!!!

Granted I don't really like cake. But reports has it that these Rainbow cakes taste differently from other normal cakes. So during an ex-client wedding, I got to put that theory to the test...

Ladies and gentlemen. I present to you... A REAL RAINBOW CAKE!! As proof that I was there when it was cut...

Yes ladies and gentlemen. I was there. I ate it. It was awesome. It was delicious... IT WAS...!!! Well... Let's say, if I puked rainbows, I'd feel so damn fulfilled!!

AND....!!! IT REALLY DID TASTE DIFFERENTLY!!! I dunno how to describe the taste... Now, before you ask, I can differentiate the flavours of the cake and chocolate in my mouth! All those years of eating so much chocolate paid off!! Now my tongue isn't that sensitive to chocolate!!!!

.....Foxtrot... Now I need to eat more chocolate to enjoy the same taste... Damn you immunity (probably)!!!


Well now the overdue stuff is out of the way (yes... the cake was loong overdue... for a post I mean, I'm sure its all eaten now :x ), EVENTS OF TODAY!!

So... Auntie invited me and my bros to go swimming. On the way to her house, we witnessed a good troll (good mind you, not great or higher-ranked). So, as we were walking past the road. Saw this jeep. It was waiting. And waiting. And waiting. The cars behind and some buses were waiting too. So the jeep waited. And waited. Amid the loud sounds of horns breaking the morning silence. And then, it happened. The moment the traffic lights turned red, it made its move!! But unfortunately, 1-2 other cars managed to also avoid the Red Light of Doom (RLoD). But doesn't matter... For the bus was trapped! TRAPPED IN THE GAZE OF THE RLoD!! The bus driver and passengers were raging so hard!

Damn! And I never thought I'd see the day I'll see something like that happen in front of my eyes!! In Singapore no less! Dear Mr./Ms./Mdm. Driver, if I could meet you, I'd shake your hands and congratulate you for helping those poor people behind ya wake up and be alert! Who knows! You might have indirectly prevented an accident!!

On a totally unrelated note, I FINALLY LEARNT TO FLOAT!! YES PEOPLE!! I can't swim (well, more like... equivalent to a Magikarp's splash) and I finally can float!! AFTER 18 YEARS!! I CAN FINALLY FLOAT!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

 Oh and I'm pretty sure now that my pillow is some sort of hairstylist or something. Woke up and next thing I knew, my hair was nicely spiked up. Weird... BUT DOESN'T MATTER HAD SPIKED HAIR!!

Now to my philosophical stuffs. Okay, so to remind you of my post sometime back about my cat being stuck on top the gate, right? So I stopped and thought about it for a moment.

Life... Or Problems are just like the gate. Sometimes, one can climb up all the way to overcome it or halfway through before giving up. There are times when being at the time isn't the answer you were looking for. You'd feel different, isolated. Simply because you're at the top while others are down below. You become too scared of falling. Too scared of the pain that falling will bring. So you wait up there. Hoping that you'd be able to hang on long enough. Hoping that people can come up to your level.

But there are times when you should stop depending on yourself. Friends,family. They'll be there to bring you down when you climb too high. Coax you to let go into their arms. Once you're down, its up to you on how you're going to treat that experience. Will you try to climb up again, this time while learning to climb down? Or will you be content with what you have experienced and stay on the ground? Will you be one who has climbed up high, came back down and tell all those on the ground the different world you have seen,felt...experienced? Or will you be one of the masses, waiting and hoping that someday someone will climb up high and back down just so you can hear stories? Will you be content with something someone else experience? Won't you want to experience it yourself,at the very least?
All I can say is, if you're gonna go through and climb a mountain, don't forget to get someone, preferably an idiotic close person, who'd follow you just to watch your back and drag you back down when you're in trouble. Because the burden should be shared just so that you don't burn yourself out. So that you'll survive to come back and inspire the next generation. Now go, young grasshopper! Fulfill your destiny and rise higher than any one has ever been! And don't forget to get help from those who willingly would lend a hand. Chances are, they've climbed the mountain before or they have already prepared themselves to go with ya. It will be an insult to their honor should you ever decline them. Master Astryte's gonna go off meditate~ Ciaossu~~ Ohmmmmmmmmmmm~~~

Friday, April 20, 2012

All the sweet, cute and unexpected stuffs in life~

Sweet sweet desserts. Now who can resist that? Each morsel, each sip, each crumb. Ahhh~ Such a lovely symphony of taste that dance on your tongue. Each blast of sugar... of sweetness sends you into a world unlike any other... *Drools*

Oh! Excuse me... Why am I talking about this? Well, yesterday, had a lepak session with my mates and we were feeling somewhat hungry so we walked pass Mac, decided on a dessert session~ Boon got sundae, Han got a McSpicy meal ( I PAID YOUR six twenty cents!! Now you owe me $1.80!!), Min got the new cherry cream cheese melts and I... well... I got a surprise!! BEHOLD!!

WOOOOO!!! CINNAMON MELTS BABY!!! That and a cuppa of hot milk to wash down the sweetness (aka Fluffy). Ehehe!! So sweeeet!!! I felt really content when I was eating the melts. Coz, its been ages since I pampered myself with sweet goodies~~ ^~^ So getting a blast of sweetness on in my mouth made up for all the stress I had all these while. And not to mention, the Fluffy is an eye-pleasing catch~~

And now the sweet stuffs are over, let's go for the unexpected parts.

You know those moments when you buy a few stuffs and next thing you know, by some unknown force, you actually paid less than you should? No? Then I'll tell you I did... Twice... I found 2 secret McD combo~

The first one was a few years back. During secondary school. Was hungry and thirsty and had only $3. So I there I was thinking, "Maybe I juz get me a $2 McChicken and a $1 coke!" So I ordered. Next thing I know, "That will be $2 sir." "Wait I'm sorry, what?" "Its $2" Oh holy crap!! I found the jackpot!!! Well... It was... For the first, I dunno... 1-2weeks? Then McD publicized the deal so... There went my secret... And the 2nd time? Yeap. You guessed it (or not). It was when I ordered both the melts and Fluffy!

So let's write (or type) it down here, aye!

Cinnamon melts = $2.70
Fluffy = $1.70
Net total = $4.40
What I paid = $3.85


Yeah seriously I'm not be kidding you. HIDDEN POWERS TO FIND SECRET DEALS ACTIVATE!! Score 2 for Dan the Man!!! Muahaha!! So in need of sweetness to curb that craving? GO FOR THIS!!! And don't forget to thank me after you come back from sweetyland~~

Now for the cute part... Well... A mah kitteh hugging my arm is cute enough,no? PICS POWER!!

Face palm? Face paw is the new thing~

Awh!! He's asleep!! Or did he just got shot.... :/

KYAAAAAA~~~~!! <3 <3 <3 He's hugging my hand!! At first he was sleeping but some random noise woke him up~

OVERLOAD IN THE SWEET, CUTE AND UNEXPECTED!!! Enjoy yourselves~ Astryte sweetening out~~

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Love, gives me hope.

Love. An abstract idea. Love. An immeasurable quantity. Love, such a sweet but yet painful emotion.

Today, witnessed a marriage between ex-clients from my workplace. Was not anything special. Just two rooms. One for the solemnization, the other for the buffet. For about... 30 people. What's amazing that they're suffering from mental illness. Had read their file a few times, and man! Have they been through a lot!

To make an comparison, some of the current clients can't keep their jobs for more than a few weeks. But both of them not only managed to get and maintain their jobs, they stuck together, got a house and got married. They even pushed on even when the groom's had issues on his side of the family! Ahh... When I had issues, I just brood about it for a moment, get distracted and totally forgot what I was thinking of..

Speaking of the powers of the mind... I had a weird dream a few days back. Something around... The year 2105 or something. Where building were made entirely out of metal and glass. In an oppressive society where the government dictates life and death. Where every rule is unbreakable. Where every broken law means punishment. Where freedom was but a word in the dictionary. But gotta hand it that at least people's lives were content. But no! Some idiot/s had to break that... And that idiot turns out to be me (Ohh god, why?!).

And damned the brain for making me forget what happened in the beginning. All I remembered was that I was stuck in a building, was supposed to infiltrate a government building. Guards here and there. And of all the weapons I could had been using, I'm using something that looks like the blade Cloud's using. Isn't the exact shape but... In the same sword class, in general. Big, bulky and used to slice people in halves as efficiently as it is used as a head bludgeoning tool.

(For you people who either have no imagination or don't play games alot [ITS A LEGITIMATE HOBBY DAMMIT!!] )

And then... One of those scenes where you run past the guards, open a door to be surprised by a whole bunch of other guards behind. And look at things this way, I didn't had body armor coz it would slow me down (Ahh.. so a big ass lump of metal doesn't?!?! ) And all of 'em were holding guns. I was in the middle of something that reminds me of the Pentagon, except it was a circle... The Circlagon maybe? (Hell!! Seriously? CIRCLAGON?!?! I THINK A FREAKING "CIRCLE" IS ENOUGH, YOU FOOL!!). So yeah.. Was in a pretty bad Mike Foxtrot situation (no profanities!! Or at least try to...)

And looking at my own blog title... Have you ever been in this situation. You are a single guy/gal. Happily enjoying life. Then suddenly friends who suffer from love problems all run up to ya for advice or just wanna talk to ya. Of all things, from a single person, who might or might not had dating experience or ever had crushes on that matter. I did... Today. Felt like some councilor or something.

Don't get me wrong. Its not like I don't like it. On the contrary, I do! It makes me feel needed and useful, yeah I sound like a selfish prick but hell! Ain't your problem Imma this way, bub! So yeah... Is it because these people think that their single friends hold the answer (well... They might be too smart that they even beat a woman in an argument, thus leading to their solitude) or they just want some one to talk to. I find it fascinating that human nature would want to run off to the nearest point of anchor that's close to their previous state. To put it simply, single friends seems to be like their save points or something.

Well, at least us single guys/gals can help out one way or another. All I can say is, keep calm, keep it clean. And on your next jump into the depths of hell, please don't forget to pack a helmet. Lest you brain stops working coz Planet Lima Oscar Victor Echo (known as Lima) met you head first. Best if you could dropped in with some of your squaddies. So that if any or all of ya get screwed up, you'd be able to pull each other out of fire (since its you lima-struck peeps can sympathize better) and treat us singles as High- Command. Issuing ya orders without an inkling or full understanding of what's going on. You could always listen but how you act on those orders/advice is totally up to ya. Hell! If you are willing to drop into Lima with bad intel, at least do so with a BANG!! But always remember, keep your head in the game and you'll survive. Losing your head means the battle for Planet Lima is lost.

Oh and don't forget to bring a heck load of bandages... For those boo-boos you'll get from the bumps along the way~

Astryte Actual wishes you good luck and all the best. Over and out.

(Superintendent demands you Keep it clean and carry on... Or else...)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

IT LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That moment when you managed switch on something battery powered. In my case, it was my laptop. Which, incidentally, had less than 10% battery power left the last time I used it. Or like when I switched on my PS2 after leaving it to collect dust for a few years. Its amazing how technology can survive years and years of dust but can't survive a 3 cm fall. Why is it things always have the redundant abilities that people won't even use at all? Like an inflatable dart board for example!! How illogical that one is!

Speaking of illogical... Ever had those times when you were expecting something important to happen, waited for a long time to make sure ya don't miss it but when you closed your eyes for a moment, it just... zooms pass ya? Yeah me neither. But the waiting part was chaotic. Okay so its like this. A few days back, I was supposed to wait for a repair man to service things at my aunt's house. Earlier in the day, he called and told me he can come around 5.30pm (that's five thirty in the afternoon to you unlearned kids) . So I started waiting at 5.00pm. Yeah, there I was, staring at the door. Waiting. Trying not to fall asleep coz I just finished work. Staring, waiting, dreaming.... And falling off  the sofa when my mind suddenly switched off. Trust me, it wasn't pretty. Thank god for my head being able to survive a 15cm drop. But doubt it can survive after years of dust... Which I'm sure a feature the people from Pompeii should had invested in, as weird as it sounds...

And speaking of weird... My kitteh was... well... went into spider kitteh mode all of a sudden. Like.. she climbed my aunt's gate. Like... She jumped, grabbed on. And spammed her up button or something. That or its her only button coz she can't seem to come down. Pics or GTFO?? YOU DAMNED.... FINE!! I WILL SHOW THOU PICS!! Happy??

 I can do it!! Yes I can!!
 Top of the world... Uhh... gate, people!!
Okay crap... HOW DO I GET DOWN?!?!

Spider cat spider cat, climbs higher than any cat does.
Can she climb? Yes she can.
Go back down? Oh hell freaking noo beeeches!!

Ahh... These random moments in life... Tempted to go back to my photog days when I take pics of just about anything that amuses me. Maybe I'll do that after I spent $5000+ to buy a camera and its accessories. Or I could just use my phone. Hmmm... What do ya think,peepz?

Astryte flying off~~~

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The cold, the dark and the wet.

NOOO!!! I meant the weather!! I so totally meant the weather! What the heck were you all thinking that I was thinking!! Im totally innocent okay!!

Nyaahahaha!! But seriously, the weather's been interesting lately. Been raining a lot. Is it the rainy season? I hope so... Err... Not. As much as I like to be caught in the rain, the only two footwear I have are like practically sponges. No... I don't mean I wear sponges on my feet...though it would be rather cozy. Nah, I meant that the soles (Not souls, get it right, people!!) of my shoes are like... well... ya'know... damaged. Which is interesting. Especially for my boots. Torn from left to right, kinda like a smiley face (Like this!! (: ). What's so interesting? Well, for one thing, they are boots. BOOTS!! And its torn left to right on the sole! I HAVE NO IDEA HOW THAT HAPPENED!! Or I should blame my door kicking/breaching days at RP :/

Ahh well... Kinda getting more of stuffs lately. Moving out from Yishun to Bukit Batok. Rushing coz new tenant coming in soon... Sigh... I don't like it when people with double standards demand me to do stuffs. Its annoying and frankly? You look damned immature. And you guys were supposed to me older than me and experience. Can't even cut the new guy some slack >.> Haish!! But no matter, no matter... Just out of respect for ya Imma shut it but consider this. I've been keeping my emotions for such a long time, the bottles getting full. So please, excuse my oh so immature outbursts.

Speaking of outburst, it seems like nowadays, people are getting more stressed from problems. Please, at least don't think that you're the only one whoever has faced/is facing that problem. The entire reason why people can tell you how to solve the problem is because, they have been through it before. Look at things this way,aye? If its a problem you haven't met before, its experience, if its a problem you have already been through, then just sail through it! Though most probably I doubt the same problem will appear twice in a row...

Heh... People nowadays, always getting stressed and caught up in their own troubles... Not saying that having troubles is bad but... Dwelling on it for so long and getting affected by it? Word of advice? There are better things to do. Like seriously! I rather spend time doing what I like than sitting there, staring and thinking hard about the problem. Sure, you might think I'm running away from the problem. But that's all you can say. Nay! I rather look at it this way. I'm matured enough such that these "problems" will not have an impact on me. Like, sure, I do spend time thinking about it. But I don't go all emo and stuff really. Smiling is always a better choice,yes? And look at things this way, whenever you over-think about something, you put yourself at risk of making wrong assumptions and over-complicate a problem, even when in all its actually simple.

So guys! Just keep calm, smile and keep it clean! At least you are not dropping feet first into hell with bad intel. So smile!! Smile your problems away and the people who placed the problem on ya! I mean really! You try to backstab (figuratively speaking, of course) a guy and next day you see him smiling like crazy. I'm sure you'd think he's mad and stay away... Or at least, I would. Well, Astryte signing off!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


There are so many ways to define it. Though I prefer my own version of it. It goes like this:

1) Stepped into lift and had to figure out what floor my cousin's house was.
2) Stoned for a moment figuring out which button was the door close button afterwards.
3) Walked around in a mall trying to find the escalators to basement due to vague memories of bank being in the basement, turns out it wasn't and it was just behind me at one point.
4) Forgotten to take the company ez-link card... twice.
5) Didn't realize that my MRT concession has expired so was paying cash through my journey to and from work.
6)Recounted a time when I thought Catholics meant Cat lovers so I ran around saying that me and my friends and my Malay teacher was Catholics (No offense to real Catholics or cat lovers out there... This happened when I was a kid!!).

Well.. There should always be the other end of the spectrum, so this what happened:
1) Wishing like crazy for a drink, got free drinks from KFC (was accompanying a client for an interview there, met the manager of the place.)
2) Gotten a name card from another person (Strike one from the utterly random wishlist of mine)
3) Was lucky I had enough cash in the first place >.> God, it will be awkward to be stuck at Bukit Panjang :x

Life certainly has its ups and downs. But in the terms of awesomeness, its just awesome! And let's face it. I'm awesome!! Though I have yet to figure which end of the spectrum I'm at....
On a side note, currently writing my (mis-) adventure that happened on 30/3/12. Will post it as soon as I'm not busy. Moving out soon so yeahhh... No time for stuffz. Astryte over and out.