Sunday, April 22, 2012

About rainbows,today and philosophical thinking.

(Gonna start off with apologies in case I lack pics... BUT! I assure you these really happened.)


Who doesn't love 'em??

We love 'em sooo much we could eat them!

As evidenced by them rainbow cakes~

LOOK AT IT!! Just look at it!! Who doesn't want to partake in this delectable, eye-catching fluffiness!!!

Granted I don't really like cake. But reports has it that these Rainbow cakes taste differently from other normal cakes. So during an ex-client wedding, I got to put that theory to the test...

Ladies and gentlemen. I present to you... A REAL RAINBOW CAKE!! As proof that I was there when it was cut...

Yes ladies and gentlemen. I was there. I ate it. It was awesome. It was delicious... IT WAS...!!! Well... Let's say, if I puked rainbows, I'd feel so damn fulfilled!!

AND....!!! IT REALLY DID TASTE DIFFERENTLY!!! I dunno how to describe the taste... Now, before you ask, I can differentiate the flavours of the cake and chocolate in my mouth! All those years of eating so much chocolate paid off!! Now my tongue isn't that sensitive to chocolate!!!!

.....Foxtrot... Now I need to eat more chocolate to enjoy the same taste... Damn you immunity (probably)!!!


Well now the overdue stuff is out of the way (yes... the cake was loong overdue... for a post I mean, I'm sure its all eaten now :x ), EVENTS OF TODAY!!

So... Auntie invited me and my bros to go swimming. On the way to her house, we witnessed a good troll (good mind you, not great or higher-ranked). So, as we were walking past the road. Saw this jeep. It was waiting. And waiting. And waiting. The cars behind and some buses were waiting too. So the jeep waited. And waited. Amid the loud sounds of horns breaking the morning silence. And then, it happened. The moment the traffic lights turned red, it made its move!! But unfortunately, 1-2 other cars managed to also avoid the Red Light of Doom (RLoD). But doesn't matter... For the bus was trapped! TRAPPED IN THE GAZE OF THE RLoD!! The bus driver and passengers were raging so hard!

Damn! And I never thought I'd see the day I'll see something like that happen in front of my eyes!! In Singapore no less! Dear Mr./Ms./Mdm. Driver, if I could meet you, I'd shake your hands and congratulate you for helping those poor people behind ya wake up and be alert! Who knows! You might have indirectly prevented an accident!!

On a totally unrelated note, I FINALLY LEARNT TO FLOAT!! YES PEOPLE!! I can't swim (well, more like... equivalent to a Magikarp's splash) and I finally can float!! AFTER 18 YEARS!! I CAN FINALLY FLOAT!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

 Oh and I'm pretty sure now that my pillow is some sort of hairstylist or something. Woke up and next thing I knew, my hair was nicely spiked up. Weird... BUT DOESN'T MATTER HAD SPIKED HAIR!!

Now to my philosophical stuffs. Okay, so to remind you of my post sometime back about my cat being stuck on top the gate, right? So I stopped and thought about it for a moment.

Life... Or Problems are just like the gate. Sometimes, one can climb up all the way to overcome it or halfway through before giving up. There are times when being at the time isn't the answer you were looking for. You'd feel different, isolated. Simply because you're at the top while others are down below. You become too scared of falling. Too scared of the pain that falling will bring. So you wait up there. Hoping that you'd be able to hang on long enough. Hoping that people can come up to your level.

But there are times when you should stop depending on yourself. Friends,family. They'll be there to bring you down when you climb too high. Coax you to let go into their arms. Once you're down, its up to you on how you're going to treat that experience. Will you try to climb up again, this time while learning to climb down? Or will you be content with what you have experienced and stay on the ground? Will you be one who has climbed up high, came back down and tell all those on the ground the different world you have seen,felt...experienced? Or will you be one of the masses, waiting and hoping that someday someone will climb up high and back down just so you can hear stories? Will you be content with something someone else experience? Won't you want to experience it yourself,at the very least?
All I can say is, if you're gonna go through and climb a mountain, don't forget to get someone, preferably an idiotic close person, who'd follow you just to watch your back and drag you back down when you're in trouble. Because the burden should be shared just so that you don't burn yourself out. So that you'll survive to come back and inspire the next generation. Now go, young grasshopper! Fulfill your destiny and rise higher than any one has ever been! And don't forget to get help from those who willingly would lend a hand. Chances are, they've climbed the mountain before or they have already prepared themselves to go with ya. It will be an insult to their honor should you ever decline them. Master Astryte's gonna go off meditate~ Ciaossu~~ Ohmmmmmmmmmmm~~~

1 comment:

Come hither and let me listen to the woes of your soul.