Sunday, April 15, 2012

IT LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That moment when you managed switch on something battery powered. In my case, it was my laptop. Which, incidentally, had less than 10% battery power left the last time I used it. Or like when I switched on my PS2 after leaving it to collect dust for a few years. Its amazing how technology can survive years and years of dust but can't survive a 3 cm fall. Why is it things always have the redundant abilities that people won't even use at all? Like an inflatable dart board for example!! How illogical that one is!

Speaking of illogical... Ever had those times when you were expecting something important to happen, waited for a long time to make sure ya don't miss it but when you closed your eyes for a moment, it just... zooms pass ya? Yeah me neither. But the waiting part was chaotic. Okay so its like this. A few days back, I was supposed to wait for a repair man to service things at my aunt's house. Earlier in the day, he called and told me he can come around 5.30pm (that's five thirty in the afternoon to you unlearned kids) . So I started waiting at 5.00pm. Yeah, there I was, staring at the door. Waiting. Trying not to fall asleep coz I just finished work. Staring, waiting, dreaming.... And falling off  the sofa when my mind suddenly switched off. Trust me, it wasn't pretty. Thank god for my head being able to survive a 15cm drop. But doubt it can survive after years of dust... Which I'm sure a feature the people from Pompeii should had invested in, as weird as it sounds...

And speaking of weird... My kitteh was... well... went into spider kitteh mode all of a sudden. Like.. she climbed my aunt's gate. Like... She jumped, grabbed on. And spammed her up button or something. That or its her only button coz she can't seem to come down. Pics or GTFO?? YOU DAMNED.... FINE!! I WILL SHOW THOU PICS!! Happy??

 I can do it!! Yes I can!!
 Top of the world... Uhh... gate, people!!
Okay crap... HOW DO I GET DOWN?!?!

Spider cat spider cat, climbs higher than any cat does.
Can she climb? Yes she can.
Go back down? Oh hell freaking noo beeeches!!

Ahh... These random moments in life... Tempted to go back to my photog days when I take pics of just about anything that amuses me. Maybe I'll do that after I spent $5000+ to buy a camera and its accessories. Or I could just use my phone. Hmmm... What do ya think,peepz?

Astryte flying off~~~

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