Friday, April 20, 2012

All the sweet, cute and unexpected stuffs in life~

Sweet sweet desserts. Now who can resist that? Each morsel, each sip, each crumb. Ahhh~ Such a lovely symphony of taste that dance on your tongue. Each blast of sugar... of sweetness sends you into a world unlike any other... *Drools*

Oh! Excuse me... Why am I talking about this? Well, yesterday, had a lepak session with my mates and we were feeling somewhat hungry so we walked pass Mac, decided on a dessert session~ Boon got sundae, Han got a McSpicy meal ( I PAID YOUR six twenty cents!! Now you owe me $1.80!!), Min got the new cherry cream cheese melts and I... well... I got a surprise!! BEHOLD!!

WOOOOO!!! CINNAMON MELTS BABY!!! That and a cuppa of hot milk to wash down the sweetness (aka Fluffy). Ehehe!! So sweeeet!!! I felt really content when I was eating the melts. Coz, its been ages since I pampered myself with sweet goodies~~ ^~^ So getting a blast of sweetness on in my mouth made up for all the stress I had all these while. And not to mention, the Fluffy is an eye-pleasing catch~~

And now the sweet stuffs are over, let's go for the unexpected parts.

You know those moments when you buy a few stuffs and next thing you know, by some unknown force, you actually paid less than you should? No? Then I'll tell you I did... Twice... I found 2 secret McD combo~

The first one was a few years back. During secondary school. Was hungry and thirsty and had only $3. So I there I was thinking, "Maybe I juz get me a $2 McChicken and a $1 coke!" So I ordered. Next thing I know, "That will be $2 sir." "Wait I'm sorry, what?" "Its $2" Oh holy crap!! I found the jackpot!!! Well... It was... For the first, I dunno... 1-2weeks? Then McD publicized the deal so... There went my secret... And the 2nd time? Yeap. You guessed it (or not). It was when I ordered both the melts and Fluffy!

So let's write (or type) it down here, aye!

Cinnamon melts = $2.70
Fluffy = $1.70
Net total = $4.40
What I paid = $3.85


Yeah seriously I'm not be kidding you. HIDDEN POWERS TO FIND SECRET DEALS ACTIVATE!! Score 2 for Dan the Man!!! Muahaha!! So in need of sweetness to curb that craving? GO FOR THIS!!! And don't forget to thank me after you come back from sweetyland~~

Now for the cute part... Well... A mah kitteh hugging my arm is cute enough,no? PICS POWER!!

Face palm? Face paw is the new thing~

Awh!! He's asleep!! Or did he just got shot.... :/

KYAAAAAA~~~~!! <3 <3 <3 He's hugging my hand!! At first he was sleeping but some random noise woke him up~

OVERLOAD IN THE SWEET, CUTE AND UNEXPECTED!!! Enjoy yourselves~ Astryte sweetening out~~

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