Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Love, gives me hope.

Love. An abstract idea. Love. An immeasurable quantity. Love, such a sweet but yet painful emotion.

Today, witnessed a marriage between ex-clients from my workplace. Was not anything special. Just two rooms. One for the solemnization, the other for the buffet. For about... 30 people. What's amazing that they're suffering from mental illness. Had read their file a few times, and man! Have they been through a lot!

To make an comparison, some of the current clients can't keep their jobs for more than a few weeks. But both of them not only managed to get and maintain their jobs, they stuck together, got a house and got married. They even pushed on even when the groom's had issues on his side of the family! Ahh... When I had issues, I just brood about it for a moment, get distracted and totally forgot what I was thinking of..

Speaking of the powers of the mind... I had a weird dream a few days back. Something around... The year 2105 or something. Where building were made entirely out of metal and glass. In an oppressive society where the government dictates life and death. Where every rule is unbreakable. Where every broken law means punishment. Where freedom was but a word in the dictionary. But gotta hand it that at least people's lives were content. But no! Some idiot/s had to break that... And that idiot turns out to be me (Ohh god, why?!).

And damned the brain for making me forget what happened in the beginning. All I remembered was that I was stuck in a building, was supposed to infiltrate a government building. Guards here and there. And of all the weapons I could had been using, I'm using something that looks like the blade Cloud's using. Isn't the exact shape but... In the same sword class, in general. Big, bulky and used to slice people in halves as efficiently as it is used as a head bludgeoning tool.

(For you people who either have no imagination or don't play games alot [ITS A LEGITIMATE HOBBY DAMMIT!!] )

And then... One of those scenes where you run past the guards, open a door to be surprised by a whole bunch of other guards behind. And look at things this way, I didn't had body armor coz it would slow me down (Ahh.. so a big ass lump of metal doesn't?!?! ) And all of 'em were holding guns. I was in the middle of something that reminds me of the Pentagon, except it was a circle... The Circlagon maybe? (Hell!! Seriously? CIRCLAGON?!?! I THINK A FREAKING "CIRCLE" IS ENOUGH, YOU FOOL!!). So yeah.. Was in a pretty bad Mike Foxtrot situation (no profanities!! Or at least try to...)

And looking at my own blog title... Have you ever been in this situation. You are a single guy/gal. Happily enjoying life. Then suddenly friends who suffer from love problems all run up to ya for advice or just wanna talk to ya. Of all things, from a single person, who might or might not had dating experience or ever had crushes on that matter. I did... Today. Felt like some councilor or something.

Don't get me wrong. Its not like I don't like it. On the contrary, I do! It makes me feel needed and useful, yeah I sound like a selfish prick but hell! Ain't your problem Imma this way, bub! So yeah... Is it because these people think that their single friends hold the answer (well... They might be too smart that they even beat a woman in an argument, thus leading to their solitude) or they just want some one to talk to. I find it fascinating that human nature would want to run off to the nearest point of anchor that's close to their previous state. To put it simply, single friends seems to be like their save points or something.

Well, at least us single guys/gals can help out one way or another. All I can say is, keep calm, keep it clean. And on your next jump into the depths of hell, please don't forget to pack a helmet. Lest you brain stops working coz Planet Lima Oscar Victor Echo (known as Lima) met you head first. Best if you could dropped in with some of your squaddies. So that if any or all of ya get screwed up, you'd be able to pull each other out of fire (since its you lima-struck peeps can sympathize better) and treat us singles as High- Command. Issuing ya orders without an inkling or full understanding of what's going on. You could always listen but how you act on those orders/advice is totally up to ya. Hell! If you are willing to drop into Lima with bad intel, at least do so with a BANG!! But always remember, keep your head in the game and you'll survive. Losing your head means the battle for Planet Lima is lost.

Oh and don't forget to bring a heck load of bandages... For those boo-boos you'll get from the bumps along the way~

Astryte Actual wishes you good luck and all the best. Over and out.

(Superintendent demands you Keep it clean and carry on... Or else...)

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