Sunday, December 9, 2012

Blood Red Rose

That one day. During that autumn day.  Trees coloured brown and gold littered the place. The sad, melancholic autumn breeze danced through the trees, picking up leaves and circled around the two.. 

She was lying on the cold, hard ground. He was clutching her hand. He could feel the warmth leaving her hands. And no matter what he did, he couldn't stop the bleeding on her chest. He was calling out to her. He was telling her to hang on. Telling her not to go.. But he knew his words weren't reaching her. 

She looked at him and smiled. He could see the light slowly fading away but he couldn't believe that and he wouldn't. She brought her hand up to his face. He winced at how cold her hands had became. She whispered to him that everything was going to be alright. She whispered to him comforting words. He could feel tears rolling down his cheek. 

She took out a rose from her bloodied clothes, placing it close her heart. He realized that it was the rose he gave her sometime after they met. It was to signify her beauty. It was to signify her elegance. It was to signify his feelings for her. Tears rolled down her cheek as she reminisced about the times they shared together, the feelings they shared.It was all going to disappear soon. She smiled sadly as blood flowed onto the rose. 

He wished he could turn back time. He wished that he had protected he like he promised. He cursed himself for his weakness. He felt her heartbeat becoming faint. He knew the time was near. Knowing but unable to do anything but watch helplessly. Fear gripped him. Fear shackled him. In his mind, nothing. In his heart, pain. Anger. Sadness. She looked at him. She watched him fight with himself. Then...she spoke. 

"Its okay. Just forget about me. I don't want to see you in pain because of me. Don't let my passing hold you down when you have much to see. To hear. And to feel"  
He looked at her, shocked by her words, to which he replied. 
"But I can't! You are someone important to me. You were the only person to make my heart skip. You were the only one who could take my breath away. You were the only one who's on my mind. I just can't...Without you, I don't want to keep livi-". She placed a finger onto his lips and smiled. She placed the rose in between them. He then looked upon the rose, remembering just how beautiful, elegant, graceful it is. Just like her.  

"Close your eyes and remember." she whispered. "Remember the day you gave me that rose and tell me what did you felt that day."  

"That day. By that cliffside. I heard your voice. I heard your song. I followed it through the dark path. I was enchanted from that point on. I felt your voice guiding me." 

"And then, I saw you. Dancing merrily under the stars. As the moonlight shone through your flowing hair. You had me mesmerized. My thoughts were empty save for one thing, you." 

She smiled. She then whispered, "I was lost. I was broken. That song I sang? Was a song of hope. A prayer for guidance. For days and months I stood up upon that cliff, wishing that my prayer will be granted." 

"And that was when you appeared. From that forest of nothingness, as though you were my dreams materialized. As though you were the knight I've always hoped for. With the rose in hand, you held me close. I felt your warmth. That day, you whispered in my ears the words I've always longed for, 'I have found you.' " 

"Then...this will be good bye. Go. Explore this vast world. Become the knight for someone precious, whether new or old. can't forget about me, then remember to take the smiles, while I...shall take...the tears." 

And with those last words, she took her last breath. Her eyes shone one last time. Her last heartbeat. And the one and only tear she ever shed. 

He placed her back gently on the ground. Took the rose from her cold hand. He clutched it close to him heart and whispered, " I will be no one's knight, but yours." With emptiness and darkness within his eyes, he left. Gone to wander the world, with only that blood red rose by his side. 

I can only remember and love you... 
For as long I live.........

I won't forget your sacrifice...         


Till we see each other again..... 


From a painful vivid dream I had, I made a poem. From that poem, I made this story. This is how exactly my dream went. I wrote the story version because because I felt the poem version will not be enough to visualize and create the emotions of that dream. Any critiques will be much appreciated.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Of endings, new beginnings and tech stuffs

Hey yo everybody, let's all get down! It's the D.A.N and I be the baddest around~

Sooooo~ I'm back. Finally. Well... Simply because~ I'm finished with work! Woo! 7 months in the company gone just like that! Now I have about... 2 weeks before school starts? Its not so bad I guess...

So. On the 2nd last day of work...which was the 27th of Sept, the company went and had a farewell dinner/ get to know dinner as the two new interns that are replacing me and Akidah (who is also working for you who can't figure it out) would be joining us. Halfway through the meal and then, it happened! What happened?

 This happened!! I got not only a prezzie~ But a card too! They spelt my name correctly! I was happy! T.T
Unwrap in and.... Tada!



Well now that the ending was over... Onto last Friday! So The new interns, Kumar and Zen came in.

We got 'em oriented, got 'em briefed, got 'em some tools. Why you ask? Weeeeeell... Just scroll down and see :x

TADA!! What are they doing? Simple... SMASHING HARD DRIVES!!! Woo!! What a way to end my day and to start theirs! Why are they doing this? Its pretty simple really.

Ahem... *Geek mode on* You know... When you wanna throw away old computers? Yeah... There's actually a procedure to it. Normally people just throw out or at most reformat yeah? Its bad. Why? 

People can scavenge the hard disk, bring 'em to a professional and actually retrieve the data. Le gasp! Oh no! But what can they do? Err... Folks. Unless you don't save your username and passwords on the comp, which I highly doubt you don't, people can make use of that for very... devious stuff.

Wait! I reformatted no? Isn't it safe? Well... No. Reformatting actually doesn't destroy/override the data. I would explain the details but I doubt most of ye understand :/ Just know that it doesn't, alright?

Well in that case Dan oh Mr. Know-it-all, what do you suggest?

Oi oi oi! What's your tone mister! As a matter of fact, I DO know what is going on. You can go about it in a few ways.
1) Get a professional to purge the data
2) Do the data purging using software by yourself
3) Smash the damned hard drive.

Option 1) is for you rich and hopeless people who reaaaaally can't be bothered doing tech stuff like this. I mean really? If you can spend hours trying to learn that dance of yours, why not spend a few minutes to learn  how to data wipe? Its easy!

Option 2) is more for the tech savvy or the hardworking ones who rather trust themselves than some other weirdo with glasses to do it. I mean, why let someone else do it and he gets to sneak off with my info without me knowing? I'm darn right gonna do it myself! Why? Coz I'm a man!... Or a geek. Perfect if you wanna donate that old PC somewhere~ Oh you good guy you!

Option 3) Is perfect for people who have anger issues. I mean... If you had to resort to this option, I think you have a really pathetic PC and should feel bad and get a better one! 
If you really have to get to this option coz 1) you don't have money or 2) don't have time to learn, this way is perfect! Though it means the hard disk becomes irreversibly useless... But hey! No more pesky hackers!

Which brings back to Friday... And since I can't get a professional since I don't know any, and because I kept forgetting to get the data wipe software, I went with Option 3) ! And below, thou shalt bear witness to what be the wrath of Dan and the Interns!

Three hard disk stood up against us, and three hard disk fell to our might! Here you bear witness to the corpse of when we were done cracking them with our overwhelming might! *cough* hammers *cough*

Just to show ye that we broke the chips on these guys. I swear, for something designed to contain data, its pretty brittle... :/

Yeah... Zen did this. Like... She cleared everything and anything that could be cleared. I swear, seeing how through she could be, makes me worried to NOT piss her off. Haters beware!


Well that's all for today folks! I am currently embarking on a project called Pack to Deck on Tableflip. Head on over there to get an idea of the mischief I'm gonna be up to soon~ :3

See ya around yo! Astryte smashing out!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Of a song, a game and a problem

Ending Song

The title matches the song indeed. A song about endings and lost love. Who's the singer? I have no idea. Really. I wish I know who just to pay my respects to her. Seems like she's a korean singer. Well... I guess I won't ever know then.

Oh wait. Her name is Cressie Kim. Huh... Well that's one of my life's mysteries over~ Why am I posting about this song? Well... Simply because I like it. It is one of those songs where I could capture the emotions within (and frankly speaking, these types of songs are getting rare in current society...).

I don't know... I just feel like I could link to the song somehow. Which is weird, considering that I'm a bachelor for as long as I have lived....what? 19 years? Just... when I close my eyes and listen to this song, I'm able to visualize the situation presented in the song so easily...

So where did this amazing song came from? It is from a game called Lunia. Lunia is a side scrolling 3rd person arcade role playing game. What does it mean? Basically, you have a bunch of buttons to use to create combos like in fighting games. Games that utilizes combos inputted by the player are given the tag "arcade". What this does is that it gives you the flexibility of how you handle a situation. From using all your mana to get rid of the attackers to slowly whittling them down with your weapons or a combination of both. Unlike most RPG games where it is point, click, character does the action till you click something else, Arcade RPG games requires you to be on alert at all times.

For sure it is more tiring and your fingers are gonna hurt from spamming that 100hit combo of yours, but hey! That adrenaline rush you get when you dive into a group of enemies to dish out pain is just unbeatable from clicking a spell that blows up a large group of enemies.

Well... That's all I guess from Memory Lane tonight. Seems like I'm getting less motivated to do just about anything in particular. From gaming to even slacking. Getting tired of all that... Seems like I need something to spice up my life but what...? All these years thinking and searching and never finding the answer... Huh... Maybe not now. Maybe not ever. Maybe in the future? All I know is, I'll keep waiting for a sign.

Well off I go then, I should sleep soon. Or else my night depression is gonna hit me hard. Yeah. I get depressed at night. No idea why. I should consider getting myself checked. Maybe I ain't so happy go lucky as I hoped I am. That's all for now. Astryte logging off. Good nights and blissful dreams.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Of music, soap and cards

So.... So...!! I added a few new features to this blog! Like... two of my favourite Hymms!! Trying to see if I find more and squeeze it in :D

I'd make in autoplay if I could figure out why the code doesn't work... That and because, I have read from a veteran blogger that autoplaying music is actually bad for the readers. Why? Okay imagine this. There you are happily surfing the web and listening to your favourite song. Then you come across this interesting blog. Suddenly, you hear a blast of noise that doesnt seem to come from your own music (e.g. Like you'd be listening to classical suddenly screamo appears. Like what. the. foxtrot.)

Also, if for example, you wanted to take a break at work and you went to a friend's blog for the funny things that happened to him, suddenly, you remembered two things. 1) His blog autoplays songs, 2) You did not mute your speaker. Now everyone in office knows that you're slacking about when they are all working their eyes out. Tsk tsk... Naughty person, you are huuuh? >:)
Speaking of funny things... My brain is getting more wonky by the day. Like... Now it has come to the point that I'd immediately forget what I was doing and had done at that exact point of time. Like what do I mean, you ask? Like this.

So... I blanked out while in the showers... When I returned back to reality. I was facing a dilemma. Did I was my face or shampoo my hair?? WAS THE SOAP I USED TO SHAMPOO MY HAIR ACTUALLY MY FACIAL WASH?!?! Yeah... That kind of situation. So I stood there trying to remember what soap did I use... And lo and behold! I remembered after.... what. A few minutes of trying hard to remember...? Yeap. Ladies and gentlemen, my mind is officially that troubled. Heck! I couldn't even remember what I had for dinner last night! Uhh... It was.... Erm... It was..... Ahhh!! IT WAS....!! ....... I DON'T KNOW!!! *Brain explodes*
... Moving along. I also added a link tab (which I should had done a long time ago... I cant remember all the blogs I visited! D: ). For now... there is but one option. "Team Tableflip". What is that?! A team created to flip tables?! Haha! I wish it was that easy... No. Team Tableflip is actually a Singaporean based Magic The Gathering team that I am in. What is MTG? It is a card game that has been around for as long as I can remember. Unlike most TCGs (Trading Card Games) liek Yu-Gi-Oh and stuff, MTG actually has a very solid fanbase. So solid, that its been around since... 1999? Maybe earlier? Where most card games die out due to it being just a fad, MTG has withstood the test of time and in fact, released multiple editions of the game already.

And you would think that a game this old would probably be filled with professionals already? Well... I would say... Not really no. Despite the age of the game, it is, in fact, actually still attracting new players to join! While there are indeed professionals out there, they are probably out-numbered to the number of players who play it casually. As there are multiple formats to the game, the numbers are spread out even more so. And the format that Team Tableflip specializes on is called "Modern".

The purpose of making this blog for the Team was actually to help newbies coming into the "Modern" format, foreign players to understand and know what's going on the in Singapore Metagame and probably as a news/refresher/update to the experienced players. What is "Modern" you ask? Heh. Why not click the link and head over? For now, it is still in the "Alpha" stage so, it is lacking in content. But that is... for now. Soon... We will rule the worl- I mean have so much data you'd drown in it!

My job over there? Well... Simply to get connected with the newbies in the field. Why? Simple. Because I am a newbie myself! My job is to provide a newbie perspective to the world that is Magic such that newbies entering won't be so lost~ So to keep an eye out for my posts yeah! :)

Well that's all for today. Well excuse me if the post today is rather dull because as of late, I don't go out much so I don't get to experience much... Work work~ Haha! Till next time!

Dan Astryte tapping out!

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Now, open up your eyes.

Come and take my hand.

Its been so long since we last met.

I want to show you this beautiful scenery we made.

The warmth of your hands in mine.

Your familiar silhouette beside me.

Sang our wishes into the night sky.

Your serene smile so enchanting.

With just you by my side,

Hoping we'll never be apart.

Under this blanket of auroras,

Singing love with a gentle melody.

Feeling your heart beating with mine.

Upon this vast dreamscape.

Just you and me and the stars.

Hey, didn't we made a promise?

To live in this glittering garden?

Just us and the jet black sky.

Till we awake from this dream.

In this world where the stars glitters.

In this world where the gentle breeze wraps around us.

With its endlessly green fields.

As the trees gently sway in the wind.

While the melodies of violins fill this world,

Shall we dance under the moonlight?

Let us wash away our sorrows,

In that gentle flowing stream.

The feeling of earth underneath our feet.

Surrounded by the sweet scent of roses.

The blue sea glittering like diamonds.

Its soft waves slowly splashing onto the beach.

In this dream where time slows to a crawl.

Where the land is as vast as your imagination.

Let us join the butterflies,

Dancing away across the land.

As much as I wanted you to stay forever,

But it is time for you to go.

Now, close your eyes and sleep.

It is the moment where you awake back to the world you belong in.

Worry not, love, for I shall await you here.

For the next time you fall into a deep slumber.

Watching over this dreamscape.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

World of Black

In this void was just you and me.

Separated by an invisible entity.

That sad look on your face is

The reason I wish to break free.

So that I can hold you in my arms.

So that I can hear your gentle voice again.

I tried to break down the wall in between us.

But I can't even leave a mark on the glass.

Everyday you look at me with those forlorn eyes.

How I wish I could fill them with hope.

Through the glass, I can't feel your warm hands.

Why did destiny had to separate us like this?

So that I can feel the touch of your fingers.

So that I can feel your breathing.

I will try to break down the walls of fate.

But my fist barely scratched the glass.

I can't remember how we're trapped in this cage.

Everyday shadows consume me.

All that's keeping me from falling is

The memories that we had already made.

In this dark world,

All our dreams left broken.

In this dark world,

All our wishes left unspoken.

Tears rolled down your cheeks,

I feel your pain through the glass.

Just so I can wipe away your tears,

Even when my arms bleed,

I will reach out to you.

In this world where space warps around us,

In this world where time isn't a constant.

Hoping my fist will resound in this silence.

Slowly the glass cracks.

Through the cracks I can hear your voice.

Singing the hymn of hope.

As your song reverberates through this world,

Gently, the world is painted white.

You, whom I promised to walk with forever.

You, whose hand I'd never let go ever.

You, whom I vowed to love eternally.

You, whose smile I will fight for unfalteringly.

These flames helped me push through the wall.

This world gradually being bathed in this white light.

The black pieces shattering and falling.

You crying in my arms.

Your tears filled with warmth.

Your lips melted away all my sorrow.

I looked up at the azure sky and smiled.

Embracing you, as this world of black crumbles away.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Well not sure if y'all can see it... But this is a theme I just made to commemorate the upcoming of Halo 4! Monotones of white,black and grey is used for the elements to match the wallpaper. Simplicity is the key here so there is no need for flashy elements but instead those that which blends with the background~

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Audire Carmina

I hear you, I feel you.
In my sleep I can hear your song.
In my dreams I can hear its sweet melody.
Feeling your emotions in every word.

Resting in your arms,
Your fingers in between mine.
You have become my key.
You, who is singing this lullaby.
Just so I can sleep in peace.

Listening to your soft heart beat
Our breathing synchronized.
Being held in your arms.
Listening to your gentle timbre.

In this peaceful world,
You who have become this hymn.
I hear your voice reaching the heavens.
I feel your voice filling this void inside.

Please continue singing
For as long as I sleep.
I would be lost in the dark
Should my world become silent.

Sleeping, dreaming.
As your warmth surrounds me.
Become my light.
Protect me from this growing darkness.

This corrupting darkness,
This devouring darkness.
Listening to your prayer,
Lighting my world with hope
Granting peace to my soul.

This, our evergreen garden.
Under this endless night sky.
Listening to your tune.
Each note carrying hope
Just so I can dream happily.

Sleeping, resting, dreaming.
The gentleness in your voice
Your love becoming my shield.
Your hymn becoming my guide.
Please continue singing.
By my side.

Forever more.

Random ideas

Yeah so I one day decided to randomly write out this sci-fi universe that was sticking around in my head... I do hope that its gonna be a good thing to spend time with as I'm no longer gaming :x

Year 4013 C.E.

Humanity has developed Faster-Than-Light (FTL) travel. Thus started the Space Era (S.E.) Humanity began to colonialize planets to help mitigate the over-population of Earth. More and more people began living or starting their own colonies at multiple planets. By 4100 S.E, Humanity has managed to colonialize about one quarter of the Milky Way. The number grew to one third by 4190 S.E. Due to the fact that trade routes have opened up and the discovery of new materials, the lack of natural resource that had been plaguing Earth has a reduced effect as these new abundant materials began replacing materials with high importance, due to demand or rarity, and low yield.

Due to the fact that by 4354 S.E. Humanity has taken full control of the Milky Way Galaxy, there was a need to have multiple government bodies set up to handle the needs from the different parts of the galaxy. This was done due to the fact that there was not enough space and manpower back on Earth to handle the influx of requests coming in from everywhere. Thus, the galaxy was split into several sections :

1. The Inner cluster, consist of the Solar System and other systems within 20,000 Light-years(ly)

2. The Middle cluster, consisting of systems within 20,001 ly to 50,000 ly

3. The Outer Rim, consisting of systems beyond 50,001 ly

The Inner cluster is managed by the Sol system (a.k.a Solar System) with Earth as its center. It holds one of the strongest , though not largest, military fleet. Called the United Sol Space Command (USSC), it boast one of the most technologically advanced and effective Military force. This is due to the fact that the Sol system was the first to discover the A-Particle which in turn lead to the creation of the Cataphractos Personae System, or commonly known as the CP System or CPS. Essentially, the CPS is a Armor System designed to boost the effectiveness of infantrymen to make them into lethal soldiers equivalent to modern tanks and jets at a cheaper cost. The system is so successful that the USSC has removed and recycled all forms of Planetary Military Vehicles (PMVs) and replaced them with soldiers using the CPS. Currently, only the USSC is allowed to produce the CPS. And also due to the fact that the Inner cluster has a smaller population group than the other clusters, usually those who are of 16years are immediately taken into military schools to train them on how to pilot the CPS. More info on the founding of the A-Particle, consequentially the creation of CPS, will be detailed in another article.

The Middle cluster is managed by the Erandi system with the planet Arae as its main hub. While not having the most technologically advanced military force, the Arae Military Force (AMF) is a force to reckon with due the fact that it has the largest military force in the galaxy. Unlike the USSC, the AMF is still using PMVs as their main attacking force, with aid from destroyer-class space ships. The AMF however, also deploys CPS though the CPS used are usually previous-gen models that the USSC sells off due to being obsolete. But due to the fact that these CPS are usually issued to special forces, what it lacks in modern firepower, makes up by the pilot's battle experience. Though due to the fact that the Middle cluster have limited technology in terms of the creation of the A-Particles, it is quite uncommon for CPS in the cluster to powered by A-Particles, usually the CPS units are powered by an electrical battery, which limits its effectiveness.

Due to the fact that there is fear for over-stretching resources, the Outer Rim does not have a proper military force. This leads to people living in the Outer Rim having to fend for themselves.

Residents living in the Rim tend to be well-equipped and trained in using small arms as a means of self-defense from thieves and bandits living in the area. Once in awhile, a patrol from the AMF does venture around to help curb the problem, but the amount of incidents that happen is usually too much for the patrol, and also there are several instances where the patrol gets attacked by bandits thus over time, the frequency of the patrols becomes lesser. To handle this problem, the people of the Outer Rim banded to get to create a guerilla force called the Outer Liberation Army (OLA) to protect its people and as a political force in order to get advanced military hardware from the other two sectors.

Officially, the 3 sections are supposedly working hand in hand. Unofficially, the military factions aren't exactly on best terms. Especially between the AMF and USSC, where the conflict is about the AMF trying to get rights to build its own CPS. USSC sees this move as a dangerous act as the AMF is comparatively larger than the USSC. If CPS technology will be given to the AMF, it is thought that if a war breaks out, the USSC will be completely overrun.

Conflict between the OLA and the AMF is about trying to obtain better military equipment so that the OLA can defend themselves. Though the AMF feels that if that were to happen, the OLA will become a potential threat, due to the fact that because of the harsh conditions in the Rim, there is no shortage of volunteers who would be willing to fight for the OLA due to hopes for a better future.

Currently there is a strained peace between the three sectors. But how long will this last? For the gears of war are slowly turning. It would be just a matter of time. The year now is 4679 S.E. Behind the curtains, the show has already begun.


Just the background summary for this story I'm planning on writing. Wonder what y'all think?

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Eternally Bonded

"In that brightly shining day, my life was given birth

In the embrace of these peaceful moments, the days went by

If you could forgive this heart of mine

I would want to hold you tightly and never leave you again, just like the days of the past

In those happy days, the trees were sprouting, the flowers were showing twinkling smiles on their beloved faces

Those happy days, the trees were singing, the flowers were smiling gently

Please always shine on my heart, please always give warmth to my body

Once again, in my heart, one day, please give warmth to my body, oh

At the moment, if I could express my feeling, I would want to exchange the words of my heart

I would want to understand everything about you

With my concentration, I would want to express this feeling

Oh, my beloved person, I would like to embrace your heart

I would never forget the dream of this dazzling light

Ah, I would never forget

Those quiet days, the gentle breeze embraced me and took me away

Those quiet days, the blowing gentle breeze embraced me and took me away

Uh, gently, uh, the breeze, uh, took me away, faraway memories

If my body could one day reach you, my most precious person

I would want to always watch over you, my most precious person, oh

At the moment, if I could have a wish come true, I would want to be able to keep your warmth

Within my frozen body

I can happily feel your warm love, I can happily hear your fulfilling voice

At the moment, if I could express my feeling, I would want to exchange the words of my heart

I would want to understand everything about you

(Mother, please forgive me, mother, please forgive me…)

At the moment, if I could have a wish come true, I would want to be able to embrace you

I want to be able to gladly embrace you in my arms

Oh, in that brightly shining day, my life was given birth

Your gentle smile would never disappear, your gentle smile will bloom, everlastingly..."


Lyrics from a song named Eternally Bonded from the game Ar Tonelico 2.

A song which a mother who sacrificed herself to save her daughter whom she had treated coldly, sang on her deathbed. The daughter who always believed that her mother always hated her for she was not her blood daughter. All of that hatred, conflict. All gone by this one song... Regret, sadness, happiness.

Saturday, July 14, 2012


"There was a cursed castle of ice at the very end of a dry land.
One day, a traveling boy found the ice castle, and was overjoyed at the prospect of saving his village.
Because he'll be able to give water to his family, to his fellow villagers.

However, there was a girl of ice trapped within by a curse.
She froze the entire castle, and could not move.
Her expression was simply too sad, and the boy wanted to save her.

He somehow brought her back to the village, but she remained frozen.
How can I melt the ice?
The boy talked to an eagle watching him from above.

"Talk to her every day like this.
If the girl can regain her heart, she'll definitely awaken."

Taking the eagle's advice, the boy talked to the girl every day,
And believed that the ice will melt someday.

However, the girl is ice.
If warmth is brought to her heart, her entire body will melt.

Just like the eagle has said, the girl's heart was slowly filled with warmth.

"Thank you for talking to me all this time"
The girl whispered, and her cursed body began melting.

The boy's outstretched hand grasped nothing,
And the girl's body became water and returned to the heavens.

Then, it started to rain.
The rain poured down on the dry village, and everyone was overjoyed at the blessing.

Only the boy was sad.
Even though her body melted, where has the girl's heart gone?
He searched as much as he could, but found nothing.

The eagle thought that the girl's heart also became water, and turned into the boy's tears.
Because his shed tears are full of warmth.

She was able to help her beloved, so the girl smiled in happiness.
But no one could see the face of the girl who became water."

- From Ar Tonelico 3

A song of joy. A song of loss. Proof that times love doesn't lead to the path we like. Proof that love instead will lead to separation.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

About Spiderman, coincidences and weird links.

Aye so I haven't posted anything recently. Deal with it dearies~~ That's how I roooooooollllolololl~

Yeap. So today, was supposed to hang out with my old friends that I haven't seen for a long time aye? Yeah so was wondering what to do. Suddenly, BOOM!! Free tix to watch Spiderman movie + free popcorn and drink~~ - Le Popcorn combo~ (And Cher I'm giving you page views :3) Oh and apologies if ya can't see it. Gomenasai!

Right and after the movie I met my supervisor from SAMH - AH. Which was rather surprising actually xD

Wanted to say it was a small world but my cuzzie was like "No. Singapore is just small." Well go figure~

Right. As I watched the ending of Spiderman. So many things just hit me in the head. THE PEOPLE BEHIND SPIDERMAN SEEMS TO LIKE MASS EFFECT!!!

Holy Snapping Turtles and hold up my skirts! Whatever do you mean Dan?! You gone bonkers or something? Got hit by the head by a flying anvil?

NAY! Nay I say my good readers! And I will tell you why now!

1) Martin Sheen was in the movie.

Who is this Martin Sheen you ask? No he's not some guy who'll polish your shoes till it has a gentle sheen to it. NAY! He. Is. Actually....

THIS GUY!! Well not really but... close enough.
So who is this guy you ask? ME players would know him as the Illusive Man.
What about him you ask? Well. Mr. Sheen here is the VA (Voice Actor to you not so educated readers) and is the model for the Illusive Man! So next point!!


Yeah that bad guy? Sure you may think he's already in the comic book since whenever and since ME came later... Just shut up and read. You're here to feast on the delectable feast I have worked so hard to prepare for you. You don't like it, then I won't be giving ya an invite the next time aye? Damn critics...

Right. What does he remind me of? Krogan. Nyaahahaha!! For you uneducated...
"" :3

So let's see... Super strength, check. Uber tank, check. Insane regeneration, check. Oh! And don't forget a poor social skills... I meant crazy aggressiveness, check! JUST LIKE KROGAN!!
"But Dan! Aren't all lizards like that?" Well true that. BUT! I have another point for you smug people thinking those were weak points. ONWARDS!

Generally, they started off as a "good" idea. Lizard DNA to regen limbs/ Krogan to be used as troopers. Then as time passed it all began to go down-hill~ Lizard DNA will take over the host / Krogan rebelling against Salarians. And in the end, needed to be stopped by they who created them (Peter Parker / Salarians). Interesting idea non? :3

3) Similar function gadget thingy

Okay hold up.. Lemme get the pics up... There.


RIGHT! Okay that was a hassle. Okay so lemme explain. So the Shroud was to prevent Krogan from breeding aye? Why? If you ctrl+v the link with the Krogan, you'd know what to do now. So this machine is to make humans transform into lizards like the Ebil Lizardman of Creepiness. How is this done?

But launching things into the air and making the spores/chemical get into contact with the intended target. Spores to make Krogan infertile / Chemical used to make more lizardmen. Oh and not to mention it all came from freaking tall tower thingys~

4) Okay last point~~ MUTLIPLE ENDINGS!!


Woah woah woah!! Hold on to your unicorn mate and keep them hormone levels down aye? Lemme explain.

Right. So those of you familiar to ME3, there's multiple endings right? Red, Blue, Green. And the new one? Well doesn't matter. Focus on the green and blue one. Why? Coz those are are the colours from the pic on top which were in the movie.

Okay Let's start with Green ending = Green Serum. Green ending is known as the Synthesis ending, Why? Because...


... in that ending, organics merge with synthetics to become all powerful!! Just like what would have happened if the Lizard serum managed to be launched. It will make humans become lizardmen!! OH NO! BAD ENDING!!

Now but since in the movie, Spidey managed to get the blue antidote in, he activated the Blue ending. Which is Control ending in ME3. Awhhh yeah!! "But but but... In control ending, is the reapers' get controlled! Nothing like that happened in Spiderman!!" Whoa yeah good point. Buuuuut... The Blue Serum actually controlled the lizard serum by 1) stopping further mutation and 2) removing the Lizard DNA. Remember those cops got gassed and partially mutated? Aye.

So ends my nonsense. Well apologies but these were what ran through my mind immediately after the movie. Thanks to my cuzz who pointed out about Martin Sheen~ So increased my overall points counter. Well I hope this was an enjoyable read. Astryte standing by, over and out.