Wednesday, October 28, 2009

When you cry,
I'll turn the tears you shed into stars.
So you'll have a reason to smile,

They are just reflection of our pain.
This feeling that's bound to our heart
Its something we can't be without.

I won't give you a reason
to feel such an emotion.
For each teardrop
is like a thorn through my heart.

There should be no reason for you to feel this pain.
I shall wipe that sadness away.
So I may see you smile again.

Those tears that flow from your eyes
bear your pain,your fears,your sadness...
As you stood upon that cliff,
letting go of your feelings,
I wondered if you'll ever be the same.

When the day turns to night,
What to you see?
A world full of shadows,fears?
Or a new day being born?

As we stood under the growing azure sky,
I saw you crying again.
Does watching the birth of a new day
makes you cry tears of happiness?
If so,I want to be by your side,watching dawn.
I'll be the reason to your happiness.

They are just reflections of our joy.
This feeling that's bound to us,
is something we want to be always with.

I will give you a reason
to feel such an emotion.
For each teardrop and smile
is like a light through the dark.

There should always be a reason
for you ro feel this happiness.
I want to be that reason
so I may not see your sadness ever again...
so I may see you smile again......

So I may have a reason to smile...

These tears I held back...
Are they the tears of my fear of losing you?
Or my tears of joy of our time together?

Maybe I wouldn't be this confused
if we had never met.
But if that's so,I'll be crying...
Those tears I would had cried...
They'll be the tears of loneliness...

Monday, July 6, 2009

Wow...This new template looks more clearer...Now...If only bad stuffs don't happen whenever I try to change the links........I think I need the help of an Exorcist(or some random html pros[are there even any?])

Well...Cyaz thenzzzzz

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Had my 'O'-levels MT oral yesterday...It was about music...And I don't think I did it well...I felt like I screwed up my conversation...Ahh well...What to do..I don't really care...Caring about things like that isn't me...

Ohhhhh ohhh ohhh!! I watched Transformers 2!! It was dam freaking AWESOME!!! Muz watch muz watch!! I like the part where the Autobots and Decepticons fought each other!!The special effects were like,wow!!! Its a muz watch!!Wait...I said that earlier...

Hmm...I heard from my parents that some fellow rated Transformers 2 1/5 -.- I mean wtf?? Its like the coolest show and you rated it that??Apperantly that poor fellow doesn't appreciate action movies...What were you expecting??A love show?? Get real dammit!!

Nothing much...Parents out watching fireworks...NOW GONNA ENJOY!!! CYAZ!!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

-Dan- Damn....Sorry could post for awhile yeah?But me house is currently under going some construction work so uhh...Haha...The dust and noise was a killer,literally...With all the cons. workers going in and out of my house,hafta watch over the house yeah?Not only that....That,they don't even do the work properly...Parents got bored of screaming at them and juz happily took pictures of damages to file a complain later on...

Oh yeah...You should see the state of the temporary toilet the set up...It was horrifing...Not only that...The workers didn't want to set the temp.toilet on the 1st day on the basis that there wasn't any room..Wtf??Then had to move the fridge and the washing machine(buggers =.=)...Anyways,the works are ending soon!!! ^^ Yay me for lasting this long!!!

Oh btw,on...erm...I dunno what day,had to go from e-maths remedial...I was like wtf at 1st then I was like 'Okay!!Muz study!!' later on...Was sooo worried I'll be late,reached sch at 11am(lessons starts at 12noon =.=) Then I was like...Omg??Where's everyone??Waited for 1hour and most of my 'down-for-remedial' classmates arrived...There I was chatting with Mustakim...

Mustakim:Eh!Where the hell is Mrs.***?
Dan:Dunno...First 2 weeks,she honey-moon rite?
Dan:I think she kena H1N1?*Prays* Please let it be so!!

Afterwards...Turns out,class is cancelled..Why?? Well,teach got Quarantined(did I spelt it rite?watever...) And we got home =.= Lol...Sad man...Was in the mood for study,yah....So Mustakim!!What I said was close enough(Okay..Being quarantined and catching the H1N1 has a big diff...Who cares?!?!)..So I won!!Know you must do whatever I tell you to..Now...PUNCH ZIK DURING A-MATHS LESSONS NEXT WEEK!!!! =) For mine and your entertainment and Zik's pain and suffering =) Peace out,yah??

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

*(Missing her...Wishes she comes back into my life.)*

-Dan-Lalaala!!!Holidays are here!!!Woots!!!PARTY TIME!!!! ^-^ xD

-Ray-You know,you still have lessons.

-Dan-Dammit...You're a damn cheerful soul....

-Ray-What did I do now?

-DarkviZ-Oh silence brats!! I'm trying to bring my master plan to life!!

-Crimson-Really?!What is it about?Something dangerous,I hope?

-DarkviZ-Not only dangerous...BUT DIABOLICALLY EVIL!!!HAHAHA!!!

-Iota-Now I wish you that you shut up. Noisy bugger...


-Zephyr-Haha!Yeah!I'm trying to stack my cards here.*Continues stacking his cards*

-DarkviZ-Stuff your cards to the Netherworld dammit!!!

-Dan-Right...When we finally came back,you guys start fighting...Nice......

-Ray-Yeah.Lets take time and catch up with each other?

-Shadow-.......What he said....But less noise....


Friday, May 22, 2009

Is he really him?

Within the compound of the military base,squads of guards were marching all over the place. Officers were screaming orders over the din of boots stampeding the compound and the powerful rumble of engines as vehicles are bing moved to where they were needed most.Despite the fact that security was tight,it was focused more of keeping unwanted guest out,not to handle those who already broke in.Thus,no one noticed a shimmering outline of a person climbing into a ventilation hole.

"You know.It would be better if the ventilation hole thingy went up instead of down.would have reached the objective faster...what happened to the original route?"asked Dan,subvocalizing.Calline's image appeared on Dan's H.U.D of his googles."Well,while you were recovering from that fall from the roof top,I tapped into a camera watching over that area." An image appearred,showing a large number of troops there. "If I wanted to break in from somewhere,that's the most logical entry point." Calline pointed out.

"Hmm...true.Good point.Then where this ventilation hole leads to?" Dan asked.

"Hey!I'm not a miracle worker.Don't expect me to know everything!"

"Right,right.Chill out eh?Was just asking...Oh?What's that?"

Something small was hidden in the top corner of a pillar. "!Its a camera.I'm so busted..." muttered Dan. "Sigh...idiot.Have you forgotten about your already activated active camo cloak?" Calline pointed out,with one eye brow raised."Huh?Oh yeah!Right.I knew it was on.Just testing you," Dan answered with a smirk.Calline rolled her eyes away from Dan,not bothering to answer.Being a toll to remind some forgetful fool was one thing,but being one to one of the most wanted Thieves is something else,something more...embarassing. "Urgh...what a dull place! Nothing on the walls nor the floor. Nothing but metal. Wonder which sad fellow was the designer?" asked Dan.
"Hmm? Oh,you know,this military freaks think that luxury will soften you," Calline replied.
"Yeah? But this is kind of over-board...Hey.Can you enter their system?"
"Sure I can.But you'll need to deliver me to an access panel.Nearest is...over here. Just follow the waypoint marker."
A simple blue arrow appeared of the heads-up display on Dan's goggles,showing the direction and distance of the access panel."Okay!Just hope there's no suprises along the way. I hate suprises. In any kind." said Dan. "Oh I know you do." replied Calline sweetly.

This is just a preview of the story...I'll post more when I feel like it...Soo give me some comments yah??Kk tnx!! Cyaz!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

-Dan-Yo!!Just wanna let you all know...I'm,we, are currently working on something.....

-DarkviZ-Yeah....What we're working on is something devious.What we're working on is mysterious.What we're working on is something pure EVIL!!!HAHAHA!!!

-Ray-How is a story something evil?

-Shadow-...Idiot...Why you gave it away?...

-Ray-Oops.Guess I did.Sorry guys.

-Iota-Smooth move Ray.Never expected it from you.

-Ray-Oh.Give me a break.I'm the guy who's actually writing it.

-Crimson-Yo!!!We helped to!!

-Ray-Really?Which part?

-Zephyr-Hmm?We gave you ideas eh?

-Ray-But in the end,its mostly my ideas.

*Dan smirked at a gang fighting,muching his chocolate bar*
-DarkviZ-Oi!!!!Is that my chocolate bar?!?!?!

-Dan-Whooopssss...Sorry Darky,yeah?


________________________END OF POST__________________________

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

-Dan-Check out the next blogskin!!!!Trying to work out the problems with the template which I hope I can solve....Enjoy....!!!


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

-Dan-Right....Today...School was....FUN!!!!WHOOHOO!!!!!Lets see...6 free periods in total!!Many of the teachers were sick sooo it was slack time for me?Zik neva came today(Aww...Wanna see him get whacked by Mustakim =.=) so it was quiet...Oh yeah....We skipppped whole of ML lessons xD Thank Lady Luck for leading us to our classroom(Supposed to go to AVA room but,who cares)!!Where we tried to study A-Maths(At least I tried)for a test(which never came....Teach was out cold as well =.=)....Oooooo gottaaaa go!!!Maybe I wanna change by blogskin...Hmm....Cyaz!!!!

*Final Quote*
I'm an alien...I'm an alienI'm an alienI'm an alienI'm an alienI'm an alienI'm an alienI'm an alienI'm an alienI'm an alienI'm an alienI'm an alienI'm an alienI'm an alienI'm an alienI'm an alienI'm an alienI'm an alienI'm an alienI'm an alienI'm an alienI'm an alienI'm an alienI'm an alienI'm an alienI'm an alien.............

I'm an alien!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ohhh btw,I'm posting our latest work(Just a short preview) If you see the full version then...Just go check our deviantart page then?

First love

I had always loved you,
From the moment I first saw you...

I always thought that we will be
together forever.

But then you're gone,
leaving me
it makes me wonder

If this was meant to be,
Weren't we lovers?

But now you're gone
Far from me...

Does this still matters?

I don't know what to do...
For this is a first for me.

I don't know if I can live without you.
I just can't stop thinking about you.
I want to be here with you by my side....
Its the first time I'm away from you...
And it won't be the last...

Nice??If you don't like then,the hell to you...Drag your freaking ass out of here before our lork Dark drag you across the burning fields of Hell =.=
I'm serious...He will...

Behind my reluctant smile,I hide my growing shadow.....

Saturday, April 18, 2009

-Dan- Lalala!!!!!Bored...Ahhh whatever...Hear to say hi!!And bye...Coz I going out soon!!!Cyaz all!! xD xD xD

Oh yeah...Gonna add a link to my blog...You guys can go there check out our poems/poetry or whatever you wanna call it >w<

Saturday, April 11, 2009

-Dan-I'm freaking sick!!!Blah!!Curse you damned flu,cold whatever you are!!Why can't I fall sick on weekdays =.= Would had been so happy....Sigh...Just great....Oh yeah...Trying to get finish some of our projects soon.But none of us has time though...Sigh...Wish that life wouldn't been so demanding...

Dunno why but feeling so depressed lately...I wonder why...

Not sure how much longer I can maintain this mask that I'm wearing...No one knows the true me...No one ever will...

Feel like I'm carrying a burden some how...Feeling so....Empty inside...


I feel so empty,
With no purpose...
No reason...
Nothing to go on with...

I may look happy outside,
But I really feel empty inside...
No one knows how I feel,
No one...Not even me...

My mind is all blank,
My heart empty...
My soul is in the dark,
With nowhere to run...

My body,prevents anyone
From seeing the true me...
And yet,I want some one to know
How I was feeling...

The emptiness took over my mind,
My body and my soul...
There is nowhere for me to go,
Nowhere for me to hide...

My mind slipped away from reality,
My soul was consumed by the darkness...
My body fades away from existence,
No one,no one will ever find me...

I feel so empty,
With no purpose...
No reason...
Nothing to go on with...

With this,I dissapear...
From ever existing...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Mood:Comatose,I'll never wake up without an over-dose...

-Dan-Don't ask why...Just felt like that recently...Oh yeah.School still sucks like hell...Gonna have an A-Maths test on partial fractions...Whatever that is.O.O Turns out it was last year's topic.FYI:I slept for every a-maths lessons the whole of last year!!Booyeah!!!Ohhh...Shit...Now I see the impact...Hurts alot.

Hmm...Oh yeah...Mum finally let try get a job.But not sure dad agrees...

-DarkviZ-You??Looking for a job??Oh my freaking hell!!!Is there something wrong with you?!?!

-Ray-Wow Dan!You're picking up responsibility!*Amazed*

-Iota-A lil hard work should knock that laziness outha ya.

-Zephyr-Hey.Once you get your pay,how about we increase the stakes?

-Dan-...I don't know what you all are amazed about.No way Zeph..I ain't gonna lose my money...Btw,where's Crimson??

======Far,far away,high up in the sky======
-Crimson-Oh yeah!!!Lets do this!!!*Jumps off a plane* Right!!Now to release my...Parachute?Wow!!I forgot to wear one??Awesome!!!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

-Dan-Yes!!!!Finally I get to use my com!!!Ohh...Dam...I gtg!!Okay.Quick update:
Holiday's over...T-T
I hate school.
Starting to understand school (O.O Impressive O.O)
And...I'm hungry...Well....Cyaz >< Until next update...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

-Dan-Lol...Been a looooooong time...Today's is one of my cousin's b'day!!Lol..Since my house is gonna be the place where it happens,needed to clean it up...Oh yeah..My mum planned to sabotaged him...Sad man...No wonder I like to plan schemes alot...

-DarkviZ-Oiz...I thought that was my thing!!!

-Dan-You go play your blackjack first....

-DarkviZ-I don't get this game!!!I keep losing!!!

-Crimson-Haha!!That's your own fault,man!!

-DarkviZ-Oh shut up...

-Iota-Hmm...I got a 20

-Crimson-20 too..

-DarkviZ-You got 22??Haahaha!!Loser!!

-Crimson-I said 20 t.o.o.


-Dan-Smooth move oh mighty Overlord...

-DarkviZ-Get outta here.

-Dan-Shuush....Just play would ya??

-Zephyr-Yo Dan!!I noticed,I'm not on the profile page..What's up with that??

-Dan-Whoops!!!I'll get right on that!!Ermm...ASAP??


-Ray-Dan's ASAP is like 'As Soon As I Feel Like It'.

-Dan-Ahaha...Nice one Ray...

-Ray-I'm serious.

-Dan-Ahaha.Ahaha!!Haaaaaaa!!! Don't make me mad.....

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Dan:Wheew...I'll make this fast and snappy >< I won Zephyr in BJ!!!Muahaha!!!Sorry I couldn't update lately...Dumb internet went down...Thanks to(I won't mention any names).Due to him,my com was attacked by a virus.And (again I won't mention names) owes my $40 coz he lost to me in BJ xD xD Ohhh...This was short...I gtg!!!Chiaoz!!!

P.S : Getting new stuffs*Ahem* Laptop *Ahem* ^^

Thursday, February 19, 2009

-Dan-Haha!!That's funny man!!Tell us another!!

-Crimson-Okay.It goes-

-???-Excuse me.It this the Dark EonZ?

-Dan-Yeah?Who're you?

-Zephyr Nightsever-Name's Zephyr Nightsever.Call my Zephyr or Zeth.I'm looking for a place to crash over.

-Ray-Did you by any chance pressed the recruitment button on this website?

-Zephyr-Nah.My felt that I shouldn't.So I didn't.What's so special about it?

-Shadow-...Trust me...You don't wanna know...

-Zephyr-Okaaaaaay...Thank goodness I didn't?

-DarkviZ-Oi.No one can just enter here for the fun of it okay?

-Zephyr-Yeah.I guessed so.So...What do I have to do?

-DarkviZ-Pass a test obviously.Defeat me!!!*Jumps towars Zephyr*

-Zephyr-Hah!*Reaches Dark first and kicks him away*

-DarkviZ-Offhh!!!*Slams into the wall-K.O!!!*

-Zephyr-That was easy.Is that all?

-Dan-Nah...He's just bored...Sooo...Actually,there's no test(Whispers)But I wouldn't mind making one...

-Zephyr-Cool!!So..You guys wanna play a game?

-Crimson-Hmm??What game?

-Zephyr-Ohh...Its a little bit of this and that...*Shuffles some cards*But its alot of gambling.Haha.So you guys wanna?

-Dan&Crimson-Sure!!Count us in!!!

-Ray-I'm not into gambling.I don't like it.

-Zephyr-An upright man huh?Its okay.You can just watch.

-Shadow-...I'm in...Just plain bored...

-Zephyr-Haha!!Well well...This is getting interesting.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th-Day of unexpected events!

Dan:Oh yeah!!My fav day of the year!!

Ray:Hmm?What's going on?

DarkviZ:Can't be your fav day...Its Friday the 13th...You're nuts.

Dan:Hey!! I know my own fav days okay?Today,folks,is Friday the 13th.Rumoured to be a day full of unlucky things.However,my forecast predicts that:

Bad luck may come to you today.But cheer up!It isn't as bad as you thought.If you think you can't do anything about something,let some one else do it.What maybe you bad luck,maybe good luck for others(Okay...This is kinda selfish but,who cares!Especially if you're not the guy with the bad luck xP)

Crimson:Ai?Why do you know so much eh kid?

Dan:Ohh shuush...I love the number 13 or XIII..It has an aura of uncertainty,doesn't it?

Iota:Yeah right.More like the aura of bad luck.


Ray:Hmm...Hey.What's that piece of paper in your hand?

Dan:Oh yeah...Also today,folks,is a day of uncertainty!With Valentine's day around the corner,anything could happen ^^

DarkviZ:Quit talking to the wall!!!Freak!!!Just,tell us what's that!!

Dan:Aaaahahah....Its...Uhh...Nothing much...Hehe...

DarkviZ:Give me that!*Grabs the paper*

Dan:Oi!!Give it back!!!

DarkviZ:Shut up!*Reads the paper*WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTT!!!!!!!!!

Ray:Wow Dan!Congrats!Haha!

Dan:Yeah....That was something...Unexpected...Haha...But not unpleasant ^^ Haha!!

Shadow:...A Valentines' huh?...Interesting...

Dan:Ahaha....Don't be jealous eh?

*Depressed aura around Dark*

Ray:Don't be sad,Dark.I know no one likes you but,ah who am I kidding.No one even cares about you.

DarkviZ:SHUT UP!!!!I HATE THIS!!!ARGH!!!!*Runs into his room*

Ray:Did I say something wrong?

Iota:Nah...Something's always wrong with him.

Dan:More importantly...HE HAS MY PAPER!!!DARK!!!!!!*Vanishes in a crack of thunder*

Crimson:Woah?What just happened?

Shadow:...I think he's hiding who he really is...

Iota:No kidding.Thanks for the update man...Urgh...

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY ALL!!!! (lol...I wonder why am I soo happy about this...)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Crimson:Yo!Dan!How was school?Anything-Fun?

Dan:Ahh...Same old school...Guess what?Now we(the class) need to stick together,when changing places for classes...== Got that's stupid...Oh yeah...Couple of weeks back,they will throw you into detention if you're wearing full-uni when everyone else is wearing half-uni...Dude!!!That's pathetic!!!

Iota:Yeah.That's what I like to call,tyranny!See!School is preventing-No...Trying to control your lifes! I mean,getting caught for following the school uniform code?That's dumb.Dumber than Dark's latest schemes.


Ray:Relax Dark.In a way,you're smarter then the Dan's school management.

DarkviZ:...Yeah...I guess...Yeah!!I'm smarter than them!!MUAHAHA!!!

Shadow:...Don't push your luck,idiot...I bet Dan has better brains than you...And he's a slacker...

DarkviZ:Yooooouu!!!!*Glares at Shadow*

Dan:Haha!!!*Smiles slightly*

Shadow:...Well?What were you expecting?...A pat on your head?

DarkviZ:I wager that your pat is more of a whack....

Crimson:Haha!Yeap!Maybe I should change that into a hack?*Wields his axe*

DarkviZ:Uhh...No thanks...I rather have my head attached to my neck.Preferably,NOT cracked open.

Dan:Hmm...I wonder...How does the inside of Dark's head look like?*Murderous look*

Iota:I bet its empty.

Shadow:...Lets see then...Iota hold him down.Crimson,break it open.Dan,poke whatever you see in there....Ray...Do whatever you want...


Ray:Dark.Its running time?

DarkviZ:Uhhh...Oh yeah!!WAARGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!*Runs away*

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Dan:Nyaaa haha!!!Look look!!!New blog skin!!!I dunno about what you guys think...But I like it!!! xD

Ray:Hmm...Its has a degree of simplicity to it.Nice.

DarkviZ:Its dark...Yeah...Sorta like it...Font's too plain though...

Shadow:...Then make one yourself then...

Crimson:Haha!Yeap Dark,its dark.Then again,if it really was Dark,internet would just crash.Haha!!

DarkviZ:Why you!!!!

Iota:Yeah.Crimson's right.They wouldn't even let him try.

DarkviZ:Oh shut up,you fool!!

Dan:*Still staring at his moniter*Oi Dark.We have a no-fools-clause over here.

DarkviZ:I bet Iota fits the bill.Haha!!!

Shadow:...Dan's talking about you Dark...

DarkviZ:Yeah...I know he is...Wait...What?

*Everyone stares at Dark,except Dan...Gaming obviously*

DarkviZ:Errr...Wait...Let me think about...HEY!!!!!!

Iota:Oh my god!!What took you so long?!

DarkviZ:Whatever!!Now,I got a new plan to rule the world!!!

Dan:Does it involve mayonaise...Or chocolate?


Dan:Then count me out...

DarkviZ:Whatever.Now,I shall rule the world with the power of shampoo!!!

Ray:How will-shampoo?

Iota:Another stupid idea.

DarkviZ:Shut up!!By having nano-bots in the shampoo,I will control those who uses it!!When they're shampoo-ing their hair,the nanobots will enter their scalp and into their brains,where it will convert the brain into an aerial to receive my commands!!!

Crimson:Wow!!One of your brighter ideas!!!

Shadow:...What it runs on?...



Crimson:I take that back.Still same old Darkie.Haha!!

Ray:If that's the case,what will you do if the batteries run out of juice?

DarkviZ:Its rechargeable!!!

Dan:Racharge on what I wonder?

DarkviZ:Solar energy!!!


Dan:Know what.....*Gets up and burns Dark's blueprints*


Shadow:...Don't bother....Its a stupid idea anyway...

DarkviZ:Damn!!!!I'll show you all!!!!I'll make a plan soo great,you're tremble before me!!!

Dan:Ohh..I can't wait to here this one....

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Dan:Hi..........God I'm gonna hate tomorrow....

Ray:Oh why is that so?

Dan:I'm gonna be in a...What was is...A hospice or something??

DarkviZ:A hospice huh...Hey....!Why are you going there?

Iota:Helping the people there,moron.

DarkviZ:Haha!!!Hey help me will ya?When you're there,get me some spices?I'm not cooking duty today.....

Shadow:...I'll pass dinner...

DarkviZ:You'll eat what I make or else!!!!

Ray:Sigh...Dark...A hospice isn't somewhere you go to get spices.

Crimson:Yeah man!!You got stores for those!!Or you and me,we go farming?My way of course!!Haha!!

DarkviZ:Oi...I maybe immortal but...Don't try to push me that far!!!

Dan:Yeah yeah...Shut up all of you.....*Leaves HQ*

Ray:He seems moody now a days.Gotta blame Dark.

DarkviZ:Again?!?!I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!!!



Friday, January 9, 2009

-Dan-Sigh....School's sooo boring......

-Ray-You can't complains so much.I'm stuck with Dark all day long.

-Dan-Yeah...I rather be at school then...

-Dark-What's that supposed to mean?!?!

-Iota Chaos-It means,you are goddamn irritating.

*Dark glares at Iota*-Dark-Oh shuddup!!!Just because you're here,doesn't mean you get to say whatever you want!!

-Ray-In fact,it does.He is entitled to do whatever he wants.Even to kill you I guess?No?

-Dark-You shuddup as well!!!

-Shadow-....Iota...Just why,are you here again?...

-Iota-That's because,the little twerp there brought me here to do some stuffs..

-Dan-Hey!!I'm not twerp!!

-Crimson-Haha!Not to worry my young friend!With my training routine,you'll be bigger in no time!!Haha!!

-Dan-Thanks Crimson....But I'll past....I still don't want to break my bones....Hehez....

-------------------THE END----------------------