Wednesday, July 30, 2008

UPDATE!!!!Template has been updated for easier viewing...So hope you enjoy it!!!Leave a message about the template XD ^-^

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Ah!!!No updates for a long time??What the heck?!?!

Dan:Okay...So uhh...Not much update's since last time...Sorry about that folks >< ...Let's see...Well,FYI,the world that was in front of you wasn't really real...Okay...It isn't...Its all in my head...So anything strange happens,and it'll be from the "EonZ Dimension,World etc."So anything about school,it will be the real world...Didnt expect that?==' Wow...Now,see that red "X"?Press it...It'll do you good...== Seriously...So uhh...Right...Hem...Where was I?Oh yeah...Trying to put an update...So yeah...Here's one...Right DOWN there...Err...I said its below....==' Hey!!Which part of "B.E.L.O.W" you can't understand?!?!?!?Okay XD Sorry...Just messing around XD Here's the story!! XD

Dan:Once,there was an ugly guy...He wa sooooooooo ugly,everyone died.THE END.

DarkviZ:FOR HELL'S SAKE!!*Whacks Dan rapidly*GIVE THESE PEOPLE SOME BETTER STORY!!!*Whacks Dan even faster*DIE DIE DIE!!!!!!!!!!!
--------------O.o Poor Dan...Ah well,he does deserve it....Somewhat....----------------
Dan:Oww..........Okay......Forget that ugly person story...So uhh....Nothing much happened,Ram punch me in the face,causing my glasses to ram into my eye...Felt good for awhile...Then couldn't see anything for sometime...Lol..Ram rams my glasses into my eyes...Ram and ram...Geddit??XD If you don't,get a B.R.A.I.N....What's a B.R.A.I.N?Its that squishy thing in your head...Ask Dark for a better understand of it...

So uhh....Lets see...Over in the "EonZ dimension",Shadow just saved a kid...That kid was like unconscious for like...Hmm...Three weeks or so?Ray is tending to him...Crimson did a few crazy things like riding a motorbike on a rail road at full speed etc. Dark managed to start one of his "world domination" plans but it failed in its later stages...Me?Stole a couple of furniture(Don't ask me how,the EonZ Dimension is weird). In school today,I got paranoid coz I didn't finish two question in my Bio homework...Okay that was stupid...==

DarkviZ:I agree...You're ARE stupid...No need to deny that!!

Shadow:If he's stupid,you're an idiot as well,he's us remember....

Ray EonZ:Yes.I agree.Dan is the "Ultimate Master".So watch your tone.

DarkviZ:Yes the's the master...DOESN'T MEAN I CAN'T ATTACK YOU RAY!!!

Ray EonZ:Hey hey hey!!!Help!!

*Ray runs around HQ,while dodging Dark's attacks.*
Dan:Uhh...Shadow,help them?

Shadow:.........Fine......Bunch of monkeys.........*Chases after those two*

Dan:Cool...So that's about it today...Cya!!
--------------------End of post so farewell!!!-----------------------

Dan:Hey!!Watch it!!!That swing might have hit the compu--------

*Connection with the computer has been terminated due to and unknown error*

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Now its HQ time!!!

Dan:Oh yeah!!!Finally back!!Sorry,the com here was getting retarded XD I blame Dark XD He's always destroying stuffs XD Anyways,didn't think that you guys know about HQ right??Well,here's some basic info XD

We have several rooms here XD One is for me,another for Ray,Dark gets one as well.Crimson?He sleeps at the hall XD Shadow?He well...I don't think he ever sleeps ==' I mean,he goes off for missions at night and in the morning,he just gets ready for the next assignment...Creepy but still cool!! XD Anyways,here's some info of our rooms XD

Dan's room:Well,I don't use it often XD Only when I'm there XD Its well,messy...But I do have a PS2 and a X-BOX.Not really a totally fun place though XD Just to chill out you now XD

Ray's room:Its well,tidy...What you expect from him?Mr.Gentleman XD Books kept tidily,bed is done well etc. XD But he hardly use it...Always outside anyways XD

Dark's room:This is well....Classified...Heh....All I know its dark in there XD Not sure what's inside though XD

Dan:Well,that's all XD Where we get the money?That's a secret XD

DarkviZ:You told them about my room?!?!?!*Draws out blade*Prepare to DIE!!!

Dan:Eek!!What I do??

----------Chaos ensures when ever DarkviZ is around...Pity XD---------------------------------

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Haha!!!Sorry of not updating often XD

Dan:Wheeee!!!Sorry all!!!We didn't update the blog for the last few days....Buzy you know! XD

DarkviZ:More like you were lazy......Idiot.....

Dan:Heh??Aww come on!!Give me a break!!XD

DarkviZ:Hmm....Yeah yeah...I will....
*Dark tries to break Dan's arm*
Dan:Oww oww oww!!!What are you--OWW!!!

DarkviZ:Hehe!!!You want a break right?I'll give you one!

*Several gunshots rang in the air*

DarkviZ:Argh!!!Where did those came from??

Shadow:.........*Reloads gun*Try that one more time,and I won't miss.....

Dan:Shadow!!!What's up???Wait....Aren't you supposed to be with Princess Illa??

Ray EonZ:Hmm...Don't tell me sir Shadow left her behind?

Shadow:................No...........I quitted........Being around her is making me soft........And,DarkviZ over there would entertain me non-stop.............*Aims gun at Dark*

DarkviZ:Urp......What did I do????*Edges away from Shadow*

Crimson:Haha!!!Well well,milord!!You have a rival!!!!Haha!!Well,I'll be sky-diving!Any one coming??


Crimson:Haha!!Joking!!See ya all!!*Leaves HQ*

Shadow:So....Dan,I'll be with the team now....I daresay that you'll need someone of my caliber here....

Dan:Welcome aboard!!! XD

DarkviZ:ARGH!!!NO!!!!I'M DEAD!!!!

*Ray smiles happily*

Friday, July 11, 2008

Today was chaotic!!(Not by us though...Sad part T~T)

Dan:Yeah today,two of my classmates got into a row.Lets see...Two guys named Ram and Huang Cheng(HC a.k.a Heavy Calvary XD) were fighting over....A FIFTY DOLLAR NOTE!!!Tada!!!Its not an ordinary $50 though.Its was an old version of the $50 XD It was worth at least a few hundred dollars I think....So guess what??No!!One of them didn't get it,both got it!!XD For you who don't know,they got halves XD Soo,a few hundred bucks went down the drain XD Sweet!!Dark would be very proud!! XD

Dan:So...It was like this XD HC was threatening Ram.He was like "Snatch it and I'll tear it." XD Ram has been enduring too long XD So today he snapped XD Ram snatched it,causing a fissure halfway down XD I went over to ask wuzzup?I just pat Ram on the back and next thing was,I found myself on the ground...Well,it was obvious Ram threw me down(FYI:Ram IS HUGE!!!).Ah well,got up and asked for more!! XD(I know I'am crazy XD)Ah well,you should seen it XD So posting off!!! Cya!! XD

DarkviZ:Crap!!I wanna be there!!!ARGH!!!

Dan:Lets both try it out?Use your money??XD


*End post*

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Short Side-Story:Dan's Depression

Ray:Well,after what happened with Shadow,no one bothered the team afterwards...Hmm...So it was pretty un-eventful I should say...So...DarkviZ and Crimson is gone out where I don't know...Its just me and Dan here...Wow?Night already?


Ray:Hey!Why are you soo quiet??


Ray:Huh??You sure??You seem so depressed?

Dan:..........I'm the servant of Darkness....My mind shall never be free.....As long as there is Darkness.......

Ray:Darkness??*Looks outside*Oh?Its night!

Dan:........Hmm...*Nods*My mind is so heavy......My heart's is feeling too empty....

Ray:Hmm.....I guess,you need something to cheer you up?

Dan*Nods*Yeah......But its something I can't reach nor something that I can see........

Ray:Urr....Yeah.....Could I help?

Dan:No.......No need for that...........*Goes into his room*

Ray:Huh??What just happened??

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Shadow's true self

Shadow:Grr...Darn!!I can't hit them!!

Bandits:We told you!Your toy can't hit us with that speed.Hahaha!

Shadow:Grr!!*Getting irritated*

DarkviZ:Huh?Why aren't we helping?

Dan:Its his fight...He'll kill us if we helped him XD

Illa:He...Seems...Extremly weaker...

Crimson:Huh??Why?He's already powerful?

Illa:*Shakes head*No...When I rescued him,after his recovery,he was much better than this...I think...A pampered life weaken him...We need to help him!!He'll--He'll--He'll die!!

Dan:We wait....Till the last minute,than we spet in...How's that?
*DarkviZ and Crimson agrees*
Illa:Oh!!Thank you all...But please make it some what earlier?

Dan:Nah...I think what he really need is,a reminder who he really is...An Elite Assassin,not a bodyguard...
Shadow:Hmph...Finally!One down,three to go...Ah!*Clutches shoulder*Darn it!

Leader:Oh?Killed one of us?Impressive...But not good enough!!*Leader takes out a rifle*Die now!!!*Starts spraying*

Illa:No!!!!You guys!!Help him!!Please!!

DarkviZ:Hmph...No need to...See for yourself...
*Smoke clears and Shadow appears.It seems he dodged all the bullets*
Shadow:.....Was that it?*Glares at the Bandit Leader*Hmph...I've seen dead bodies shooting faster...

Dan:Woots!!!He's alive!!!And being a cool guy too!!XD

Leader:Grr...*Throws a grenade*Try and dodge that!!

Shadow:.....Darn it!!
Crimson:Woah!!He keeps taking the hits and keeps on going...An Elite alright!!Heh.

*Shadow appears on top of a tree*
Shadow:Hmm...Seems like I'm getting my speed back...Hehehe...Bad time for you bandits!!*Fires off several shots in one go*
*Kills two of the bandits*
Shadow:Now who's weak?Huh?Tell me!!*Murderous look in his eyes*

Leader:Urp...Err...Gah!!!*Runs away*

Shadow:....Hmph...Oh no you're not!!*In a fraction of a second,Shadow appeared in front of the Bandit Leader.*
Leader:Argh!!!How...Is this possible??Urgh....*Dies(Sooo sad)*

Shadow:A hunter can never let his prey go...No matter what...
*Walks back towards the team*
Shadow:Hmph...Now that their dead,give me time....To recover...*Collapses to the ground*

Dan:Haha!!!He's just like me when I run out of energy!! XD

DarkviZ:Hmph...He's better than I thought...

Crimson:Ah milord...You just under-estimated him that's all!!Haha!!

Illa:*Nods*Hmm...I need some rest too...Lets set of tomorrow?

Dan and Crimson:Yeah!!!


Monday, July 7, 2008

Shadow's anger

Illa:Ah...Erm...Shadow...Finally found you....

Shadow:Hmm...*Reloads gun*Yeah....You really a pain the neck,Princess.

Illa:Sorry to have worried you...I couldn't find you...

Dan:How did you to got seperated??

Shadow:Bandits...Now,are you gonna help us?These are not ordinary bandits we're dealing here...

DarkviZ:Technically,you just got thrashed??
*In a blink of an eye,Shadow appeared behind DarkviZ.Gun pointed at DarkviZ's head*
Shadow:I dare you to say that again....You weakling!!

Illa:Shadow!!Stop it!!

Shadow:.......*Steps back* I won't be soo hesitant next time...

DarkviZ:Guh....Hmph...I'll make sure I'll remember that....

Crimson:Okay....We had a elite Assassin here...But if an elite is having problems with bandits,means they're tough...

Dan:Thought you liked tough??

Crimson:Yeah I do!!Who said otherwise??

Dan:Sorry sorry...Must have misunderstood what you said.Haha!! XD

Shadow:Urgh...Are these the people I'm gonna have to work with??We're dead...


Illa:Can we go off to Castle Insia already?
*The group marches on towards Castle Insia*

Dan:So uhh...Illa...How did you get stuck with Shadow over there?

Illa:Err...Long story...Let's just say he owes me his life...

DarkviZ:Wow...An assassin in-debted to a princess...Hilarious...

Shadow:....*Hand twitches towards his pistol*....

Illa:Shadow!!They're here to help us!!Don't try anything!!

Crimson:Haha!!Lady Illa actually is a forceful person eh??

Illa:Only with Shadow...He's...A danger to himself actually....
*Shadow suddenly stopped in his tracks,and immediatly draws his gun*
Shadow:Illa...Get back...I hope its not them...
*Several figures jumps out of the trees*
Bandits:Hahaha!!!Well well brothers...Looks like the prey just walked into the trap...Now we can complete our job...Hehe...

Shadow:Gah!!*Aims gun toward the nearest* Don't make me shot you!!

Bandits:Oh no no no...Our speed is too fast,even for your piece of toy there!

Shadow:*A wild look in his eye*Heh??Make me!!I dare you!!

Bandits:Oh??Then we,the Bronzo Brothers,shall grant your death wish!!

Shadow:You all stay back...I want to make them pay...Pay for the wounds they inflicted on me!!*Runs towards the bandits*DIE!!!!*Gunshots rang in the air*

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Our 1st day for work and we got scolded...Wow XD

Crimson:Hey guys!!!We got a job...Been looking for jobs at the Tavern nearby.Here's a couple of good earning.

Dan:Hmm...We should take some up...We need the money...But which one??

Ray:Yeah...I'll manage the accounting...

DarkviZ:Hmph...Just an excuse you don't wanna fight...Worthless whimp.

Crimson:So which shall we take??I recommend this...Earn alot of cash eh?

Dan:But it means its gonna be hard...Hmm...This one?Average difficulty and a good pay?

DarkviZ:Don't tell me you're being a whimp as well??

Ray:Eh?How about...Scissors-Paper-Stone?Haha...

Crimson:Good idea!!!I'm going with this "Elimination" mission...Kill them all!! Haha!!

DarkviZ:Hmph..."Intercept" missions are quite the challenge...Planing an ambush is difficult...

Dan:Hmm...Escort missions are easy....Easy money!! XD
*After some rounds of Scissors-Paper-Stone,victor is....*

Dan:Woots!!!Yeah!!!I trashed you two!!! Lets see...Dan,10 points.Crimson,0 points.Dark,0 points!!! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! XD

Crimson and DarkviZ:.........................................Lets get him!!!!DIE!!!!

Dan:Huh??Waaaaah!!!No!!!What did I do??
*Chaos all over HQ began....Ah well,looks like they will have to fix more XD*
Dan:Oww...So...Whom are we to meet again??

Crimson:Hmm...From this paper,we should be meeting our client here...

??:Erm....Are...Are you three here to escort soemone?

DarkviZ:Yeah yeah....*Turns around* What kind of nosey are y--
*Dan kicks Dark's mouth...OWW!!! XD*
Dan:Sorry about him...Are you the one we need to escort Miss?

Illa:Yes...My name's Illa...Thank you for accepting this job...

Crimson:Hmm...Well we---*Looks around suddenly.Then draws out axe*Err...Milord DarkviZ?Stop rolling to the floor there and get ready??

DarkviZ:Oww!!!Dammit Dan!!!You'll die later!!!*Draws out blade* Hmph...There are many...

Dan:Milady stay back...*Readies a knife*...Darn monsters....
*Suddenly,a wave of creatures attacked from nowhere*

DarkviZ:Dan!!Guard that brat!!!*Swings blade towards nearest monster*Crimson watch my back!!

Crimson:Righto Milord!!Fire wave!!*A huge wave of fire rushes towards a group of monsters*

Dan:Hup!!*Throws several daggers*Illa!!Lets get outta here!!!

Illa:Okay...I'll--Eek!!*Trips over a tree root*Oww...My knee...Huh?Eeeek!!!
*A monster jumped towards Illa*
Dan:Argh...Dammit...I can't reach her...No with this dumb monster after me...
*Several gunshots rang in the air and several monsters halt in their tracks*

*Suddenly,someone in a black coat hits the monster hard in the face*
??:Hmph...Weaklings...*Lands and immediatly flips into the air.Letting loose a barrage of bullets*
Dan:Who...Who are you?

Shadow:Name's Shadow...Elite Asassin and bodyguard of Princess Illa...*Without looking back,kicks another monster in the face*I take it that you three are escorting Lady Illa?I must say,your work is worthless...

Dan:Heh??Really??Never seen us in REAL action eh??Oh...We will suprise you...Hehehe...

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Out of the forest finally!!!! XD

Crimson:Hah!*Slashes around wildly*Man...These wolves are fast!!

Ray:Because,its your axe is slow...And wolves are just fast...Eeek!!*Ducks*

Crimson:Hah!!Its them that's fast!!Another crack like that,and the next wolf won't miss you.
Dan:Oww...Damn this hurts...Ah!*Clutches shoulder*Think...I'm gonna lose too much blood...

DarkviZ:Shuddup...Huff...At least you're not using alot of your energy doing Specials...

Dan:Hmm...You're right...Wait...I thought I heard Ray's voice!!

DarkviZ:Yeah....You're right...Lets check it out...
Crimson:Gah!!Fireblast!!*A huge blast of fire erupts from Crimson's hand*

Ray:Woah!!!You control fire??

Crimson:Think what my name's for??Just for decoration??Heh.

Ray:Watch out behind you!!

*Suddenly,several daggers reflects all over the place,hitting the wolf behind Crimson*
Crimson:What the--Who are you two??

Dan:Dan's the name...Being a Thief's my game....

DarkviZ:Grr...Overlord DarkviZ!!!Now get outta the way you punk!!!Overlord's Wrath!!!

Crimson:Over--Over---Overlord DarkviZ???

DarkviZ:Yeah so???Overlord's Blade!!!*Sword is engulfed by a powerful aura,powering it*

Crimson:*Too stunned to speak*
Dan:Finally!!!Out of that darn forest!!I'm not going into there!!!Not ever!!!

Ray:Same with me...It's creepy...

Crimson:Aww...Come now!!Its fun!!

DarkviZ:..........Freak......So you want to work with me eh??Firstly,no pay...Secondly--I'll think about it at HQ.....

Dan:Ah....Fresh air...Ah...

Ray:Hmm...What were you and Dark soo deep in the forest??

Dan:....Ah!!That's....Another story. XD

Friday, July 4, 2008

Waking to a new Ally

"Hello...Are you awake yet??OMG!!I know you're not dead.Sheesh...This is the 24th time I'm doing this..."

I felt warmth on my face.I hear the birds chirping happily.The grass felt soo soft.As I lay there,I tried to remember what happened.

Ray:Ah!!Dan!!Dark!! *Gets up suddenly*

??:Woah!!Hey!!Don't scare me like that!!!

Ray:*Looks around*Huh?Who are you?

Crimson:Name's Crimson.Saved you from a pack of Dark Wolves.What the hell is an unarmed gy like you doing in a place like this??

Ray:Uhh...I'm Ray...Me and my friends were exploring this forest...Then suddenly,we were attacked.I ran to find help...But some how,I lost consiousness...

Crimson:Okay........Sorry,but I got matters to attend to...Looking for a guy named "Overlord DarkviZ".

Ray:DarkviZ??Why him??

Crimson:Hmm??I wanna be his vassal..I would like to give him my services.

Ray:Eh?He's one of my group mates!!

Crimson:Huh??Really??Well well...That makes things easier!!Lead the way my good man!! *Slaps Ray on the back*

Ray:Oof...Oww...Uh...They're that way...

Crimson:.......Deep in this forest??Wow!!You guys are crazy...I like that!!*Grins*

Ray:Okay....You're crazy as well....


*They walked deeper into the forest.The sun is about to set by the time the arrived.*

Crimson:Woah...There was a carnage here...Hmm...Knife stabs,cuts from a blade,some seened to be like they got hit by magic...Woah...

*The duo arrived to a huge crater in the middle of the forest*

Crimson:What the...??This must be cause by the meteor yesterday...

Ray:Meteor??What meteor??

Crimson:I saw one yesterday...After I rescued you...I think I saw it land here...

*Nearby bushes started to rustle*

Ray:Oh no!!!!

Crimson:Nice...Been itching for a fight!!Ray behind me now!!*Draws out his axe* Me and my axe,Crimson Blood,shall take care of this Dark Wolves...Heh...

To be continued

Thursday, July 3, 2008

In the Forest of the Dead

Dan:Today,we scouted a forest near HQ...It was a dark creepy place....Brr...And cold...Ray nearly wet his pants!! XD

Ray:I did not...It was you!Liar!!!


Dan:Wuzzup?Dark??Sense something??

DarkviZ:*Nods*Silence....*Draws out blade*

Dan:When did you get that??*Eyes it enviously*

DarkviZ:Grr...Shuddup now,ass!!!

Ray:Uhh....I hear something....

DarkviZ:Crap!!They found us!!Prepare for battle!!

??:Grrr....Foolish humans...You dare enter the Forest of the Dead??

Dan:Uhh....We just did...Heh...

??:Being cheeky eh??*RAWR*
*Multiple movements around the team*

DarkviZ:Crap...Darn it....Do I have to use my Ulti?*Slashes blade around*

Dan:Be my guest!!!*Throws knife around*Dammit..."Oh mighty God,aid us in our battle.Grant us the power to live,so that we could rid this land frim evil.I beg for thee to help us!!*
*Blinding light aura destroys nearby enemies*

Dan:Huff...Ray!!Get out of here!!Go now!!Me and Dark shall hold them off!!!Go get help!!*Stabs an enemy creature*

Ray:Oo...Okay...*Runs off*

All I remember was leaving those two behind...I ran as fast as I could...But in the end,darkness took over me...What happened after that,I don't know......

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Whee!!!I almost got killed by DarkviZ just now XD

Dan:Lol...Ray went out...Left me and DarkviZ at HQ...Think he's bored.== Dark keeps on attacking Ray,but Ray does nothing XD No wonder Dark calls Ray whimp XD

DarkviZ:Oi!Dan...Since Ray isn't here,and there's only you...Well...*Evil smile*

Dan:Huh?? What do you want??Wait...Ray's absence+Being alone with Dark=OH GOD NO!!!!


Dan:Argh!! "Divine god!! Cast a barrier around me!!Protect me from the dark!!!"
*Barrier defends Dan*
DarkviZ:Argh!!For hell's sake!!OVERLORD'S WRATH!!!
*Spheres of energy crashes onto Dan' Barrier*
Dan:Argh!!!No!!!! "Divine god!! Cast a barrier around me!!Protect me from the dark!!!"
*Barrier is created again*
*More spheres of energy...Boom...*
*This went on for some time...I'll skip to the part they stopped =.=*
Dan:Hah.....Dammit Dark!!! You shall feel my wrat--*Hammer hits Dan*

DarkviZ:Irritating!!! Should had let me hit you earlier!!!Hmph!!*Kicks Dan away*
DarkviZ:Now what should I do?? Lets see...Destroy humanity,destroy humanity and....
Wow...Still alive??DIE DAN!!!!

Dan:Eh??Wow!!Ray's back!!! I praise thee mighty God!! XD

Ray:Eh??What's been going on??I demand some one to explain!!!

DarkviZ:Hmph...Back just in time you twerp!!! DIE!!!!

Ray:Oh no!!!!!!
*Chaos and destruction occurs for a looooooooooooong time =P*

Dan:Dammit....Go to your room Dark,before I exorcise you!!!Ray you can go sleep...

Ray:Oww...Okay...Thanks Dan...Ah...*Limps to bed*

DarkviZ:You're not the boss of me!!*Picks up hammer* DIE!!!
*Trips over due to weight of hammer*
*Trips over hammer*
(No need to say what happened)
DarkviZ:Hmph...*Walks off and head bumps onto the door frame*

DAn: =.=' Omg...Why am I stuck with them?? Sigh...=.=

Day Two:Chaos XD

Ray: Today,Dan appeared to get pissed off at school.I guess his classmates were being stupid(I can see how did that happen...).He didn't want to tell us why though...Anyways,HQ is in a mess(As usual...),we needed more people for the team.So was wondering whether anyone wanna join?Okay...HQ only can hold the three of us...So,anyone who joins us will...Have to find a place to be chaotic...

Dan:Lol?Ray is trying to recruit people eh?? XD Ah well...Lets see,DarkviZ just demolished a few furniture...Ray isn't feeling well(DarkviZ keeps attacking him ==).I'm feeling way to hot here...Need to get a fan or an Aircon...Sigh...Need to get more stuff,see-ing Dark demolished a couple...(My hard-earned cash T~T[Damn you Dark!!!You'll pay for this!!! RAWR!!!]).Hmm...School sucks...While I'm stuck studying,Ray and Dark are soo happily goofing off somewhere else...Darn it you two!!!I'll get my revenge!!! XD


Dan:Yo Dark!! Wuzz....What's with the hammer??

DarkviZ:Oh,damn me will you?Then DIE!!!*Whacks Dan with hammer*
DarkviZ:You folks should get out of here...Before you're next!!!!*Charges at you while swinging hammer wildly*
*DarkviZ trips over Dan's body*

Ray:Oww...My head...Dark!!Stop it will you??Before.....*Thunk*

DarkviZ:Hmph...Irritating idiot...Should had laid down there or else....

"God of Light,grant me your power...Lend me your strength,for I shall purge this demon from this land..." *DarkviZ's engulfed in light*


Dan:Huff...Hehe...I love my Exorcist powers XD...Hahaha...So....Sleepy...*Falls on floor,snoring*

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Day One:Disaster XD

Yeah!! Dark EonZ is ready for business!!! But 1st I need to get DarkviZ away from Ray...Really!! Those two are like kids...==...Oh yeah...Didn't intro us...

Name's Danial.Dan for short.The slacker of the team XD...But I'm a Thief by profession actually...More like drive people crazy XD...Haha!!Making people retarded is just my ability XD.

2nd guy I want you to know is Ray,Ray EonZ.Don't ask me what it means...I don't know...Ray won't tell me == ...Ah well...Ray here is a very artsy guy...More like a Poet or what ever they're called...Did a couple of works...Love is his specialty I guess...Haha...And yet he's a lonely guy/See the irony?? XD

Last guy...DarkviZ...He's a scary guy.Always in some sort of dark mood.Quite rough actually.Haha.He's always plotting for the downfall of humanity...But it doesn't always happen though XD.He's a wanna-be/trainee Overlord...Haha!Him and his conquest for power =P

Anyways,we're formed a team.Called us the Dark EonZ.Think you did see that part coming...Lol...One word about us?Let's see...DISASTER XD!!!! Woots!!The chaos around the three of us is fun!! XD ROFLMAO XD Anyways,I'll(Dan!!!) will update anything that will happen around here XD Cya all!!! XD