Sunday, July 6, 2008

Our 1st day for work and we got scolded...Wow XD

Crimson:Hey guys!!!We got a job...Been looking for jobs at the Tavern nearby.Here's a couple of good earning.

Dan:Hmm...We should take some up...We need the money...But which one??

Ray:Yeah...I'll manage the accounting...

DarkviZ:Hmph...Just an excuse you don't wanna fight...Worthless whimp.

Crimson:So which shall we take??I recommend this...Earn alot of cash eh?

Dan:But it means its gonna be hard...Hmm...This one?Average difficulty and a good pay?

DarkviZ:Don't tell me you're being a whimp as well??

Ray:Eh?How about...Scissors-Paper-Stone?Haha...

Crimson:Good idea!!!I'm going with this "Elimination" mission...Kill them all!! Haha!!

DarkviZ:Hmph..."Intercept" missions are quite the challenge...Planing an ambush is difficult...

Dan:Hmm...Escort missions are easy....Easy money!! XD
*After some rounds of Scissors-Paper-Stone,victor is....*

Dan:Woots!!!Yeah!!!I trashed you two!!! Lets see...Dan,10 points.Crimson,0 points.Dark,0 points!!! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! XD

Crimson and DarkviZ:.........................................Lets get him!!!!DIE!!!!

Dan:Huh??Waaaaah!!!No!!!What did I do??
*Chaos all over HQ began....Ah well,looks like they will have to fix more XD*
Dan:Oww...So...Whom are we to meet again??

Crimson:Hmm...From this paper,we should be meeting our client here...

??:Erm....Are...Are you three here to escort soemone?

DarkviZ:Yeah yeah....*Turns around* What kind of nosey are y--
*Dan kicks Dark's mouth...OWW!!! XD*
Dan:Sorry about him...Are you the one we need to escort Miss?

Illa:Yes...My name's Illa...Thank you for accepting this job...

Crimson:Hmm...Well we---*Looks around suddenly.Then draws out axe*Err...Milord DarkviZ?Stop rolling to the floor there and get ready??

DarkviZ:Oww!!!Dammit Dan!!!You'll die later!!!*Draws out blade* Hmph...There are many...

Dan:Milady stay back...*Readies a knife*...Darn monsters....
*Suddenly,a wave of creatures attacked from nowhere*

DarkviZ:Dan!!Guard that brat!!!*Swings blade towards nearest monster*Crimson watch my back!!

Crimson:Righto Milord!!Fire wave!!*A huge wave of fire rushes towards a group of monsters*

Dan:Hup!!*Throws several daggers*Illa!!Lets get outta here!!!

Illa:Okay...I'll--Eek!!*Trips over a tree root*Oww...My knee...Huh?Eeeek!!!
*A monster jumped towards Illa*
Dan:Argh...Dammit...I can't reach her...No with this dumb monster after me...
*Several gunshots rang in the air and several monsters halt in their tracks*

*Suddenly,someone in a black coat hits the monster hard in the face*
??:Hmph...Weaklings...*Lands and immediatly flips into the air.Letting loose a barrage of bullets*
Dan:Who...Who are you?

Shadow:Name's Shadow...Elite Asassin and bodyguard of Princess Illa...*Without looking back,kicks another monster in the face*I take it that you three are escorting Lady Illa?I must say,your work is worthless...

Dan:Heh??Really??Never seen us in REAL action eh??Oh...We will suprise you...Hehehe...

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