Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Now its HQ time!!!

Dan:Oh yeah!!!Finally back!!Sorry,the com here was getting retarded XD I blame Dark XD He's always destroying stuffs XD Anyways,didn't think that you guys know about HQ right??Well,here's some basic info XD

We have several rooms here XD One is for me,another for Ray,Dark gets one as well.Crimson?He sleeps at the hall XD Shadow?He well...I don't think he ever sleeps ==' I mean,he goes off for missions at night and in the morning,he just gets ready for the next assignment...Creepy but still cool!! XD Anyways,here's some info of our rooms XD

Dan's room:Well,I don't use it often XD Only when I'm there XD Its well,messy...But I do have a PS2 and a X-BOX.Not really a totally fun place though XD Just to chill out you now XD

Ray's room:Its well,tidy...What you expect from him?Mr.Gentleman XD Books kept tidily,bed is done well etc. XD But he hardly use it...Always outside anyways XD

Dark's room:This is well....Classified...Heh....All I know its dark in there XD Not sure what's inside though XD

Dan:Well,that's all XD Where we get the money?That's a secret XD

DarkviZ:You told them about my room?!?!?!*Draws out blade*Prepare to DIE!!!

Dan:Eek!!What I do??

----------Chaos ensures when ever DarkviZ is around...Pity XD---------------------------------

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